The questions are based on the NET Bible.
CH 1:
Q1. Elkanah had two wives: Hannah and Peninnah. However, both of them were not so happy. What were their problems? (v4 – 7)
Hannah: no son. God didn’t give her a son. Irritation of Peninnah
Peninnah: no love from her husband.
Q2. From distress Peninnah bullied Hannah, but Hannah prayed to the Lord. What are the three points in her prayer? (v11)
Look on my suffering
Give your servant a son
I will dedicate him to the Lord
Q3. Eli was spiritually insensitive. What did he say to Hannah?
“Put away your wine”
Q4. Why did Hannah bring little Samuel to the Lord?
To dedicate his life to the Lord as she had prayed.
CH 2:
Q1. Hannah’s song helps us to understand how Christians should interpret events and happenings in our lives. Summarize each part of the song.
Reason of praise (v1-3):
Observations of events (v4-5):
Background of those events (v6-8):
The rules of God’s reigning (v9-10):
Reason of praise (v1-3):
Observations of events (v4-5):
Background of those events (v6-8):
The rules of God’s reigning (v9-10):
Reason of praise (v1-3): There is no one like the Lord who delivered me from my enemies.
Observations of events (v4-5): Some events are not understandable to our eyes.
Background of those events (v6-8): God humbles and raises them and controls everything
The rules of God’s reigning (v9-10): But his reigning is not random nor whimsical. He protects his people and destroys his adversaries. And He will exalt his anointed one.
Q2. According to Hannah’s song, why there is no one like God?
Though His ways are not visible to all, He controls everything according to His will and blesses His people and His servants.
Q3. What were the sins of Eli’s two sons? (three, v12-14, v15-17, v22)
They didn’t acknowledge the Lord’s authority
They ridiculed the Lord’s offering
They slept with the women who were serving the Tabernacle.
Q4. While Eli’s two sons were rejected by God, Samuel was lifted by God. Find verses that support the decline of Eli’s family and the elevation of Samuel. (from v11-26)
Decline of Eli’s family: V12, v14, v17, v22, v25
Elevation of Samuel: V11, v18, v21, v26.
God’s providence: rejecting Eli’s family and choosing Samuel.
Q5. Though Eli’s sons sinned, God warned Eli through His messenger. How did God favorably deal with Eli’s family (including his ancestor’s house)? And What was Eli’s fault?
God chose the Levites and Aaron’s family to serve as priests in front of the Lord and gave them the offerings as their possessions.
Eli (Eli’s sons?) scorned God’s sacrifice. Eli honored his sons more than God.
Q6. What was God’s verdict on Eli’s family? (three, v30, v31-34, v35-36)
Though God had promised priesthood for Eli’s family line, He will put a curse on it.
They will die young. They will suffer blindness
God will raise other faithful priest and humble Eli’s descendants before him.
CH 3 The Call of Samuel
Q1. What is the author’s comment about the spiritual status of those days? (v1-2)
No message from God. Spiritual darkness
Q2. What was God’s message given to the boy Samuel? (three)
“I am about to bring that I spoke about his house (in chapter 2). I will judge his house because of the sin he KNEW about.
Though he knew the sin of his sons, he didn’t rebuke them”
“The sin of the house of Eli can never be forgiven by any sacrifice.”
Q3. When Samuel told Eli about God’s message, what was Eli’s response?
“The Lord will do what he pleases”
Q4. Why did they think Samuel was a prophet? (v19-21)
His prophecy was fulfilled.
The Lord appeared to him.
CH 4. The End of Shiloh Tabernacle & Eli’s Family
Q1. When the Israelites failed in the battle, what did they say and what did they do?
“Why did the Lord let us be defeated by the Philistines?”
“Let’s take with us the ark of the Lord from Shiloh. It will save us.”
Q2. Even the Philistines knew that the God of Israel was mightier than any gods. Then, how could they have defeated the Israelites?
God made them defeated.
Q3. In this story of Isreal’s defeat, the author doesn’t focus on the battle itself. Then, what is the narrator’s focus in v12-22? (three)
The ark was captured.
Eli’s family was destroyed.
The glory departed from Israel.
CH 5. The Lord Vindicated Himself among the Philistines
Q1. Why do you think they put the ark of the Lord in the temple of Dagon?
They thought their god, Dagon, was stronger so that they could defeat Israel.
Q2. Why do you think God made the idol Dagon fall down and strike the people of the Philistine? (as verse 7 says)
God wants to show them not because God is weaker than Dagon that the Israelites were defeated.
Q3. What did the Philistines do to the ark?
They passed it around.
They assumed that if the ark were moved to another place of a stronger local deity, the ark would not be able to cause trouble. However, it was proven that the Lord God is the God of all lands.
CH 6. The Lord Returned to Israel, But,..
Q1. How long has been the ark of the Lord in the land of Philistines? Why do you think they decided to return the ark?

Seven mons. The Philistines knew that the God of Israel struck them and realized that returning the ark was the only solution to stop the plague.
Q2. When they enquired their priests and omen readers of how to return the ark, what was their reply? (four points, v3, v4-6, v7, v8-9)
– You should prepare a guilt offering
– Do not harden your heart and honor the God of Israel by preparing five golden sores and mice.
– Return it on a new cart and nursing cows
– If the cart goes straight to the Israelite territory, the plague must have come from the God of Israel.
The Israelites and the Philistines both didn’t honor God. But through the disaster of the plague, the Philistines started to honor the God of Israel. “I will honor those who honor me, but those who despise me will be cursed!” – 1 Sam 2:30.
Q3. When the ark returned to an Israelite town, Beth Shemesh, what did they do? (v13-15, v17-18, v19-20, v21-7:2)
They offered a burnt offering with the two cows from the Philistines.
They put the ark of the Lord on a rock
They looked into the ark, and the Lord struck them. They said, “Who is able to stand before the Lord?”
They moved the ark to Kiriath Jearim.
CH 7 Salvation through Genuine Devotion to the Lord
Q1. Summarize each section (2-4, 5-6, 7-9)
v2 ~ 4: As they longed for the Lord, Samuel exhorted them to remove idols and return to God for the deliverance from the Philistines
v5 ~ 6: Samuel gathered people at Mizpah. They fasted and confessed their sins.
v7 ~ 9: People were afraid when the Philistines came to attack them. Samuel encouraged them to keep praying to God and offered a burnt offering. Samuel prayed, and God answered.
Q2. Summarize each section (10-11, 12-13, 14-16)
v10 ~ 11: The Lord thundered the Philistines; they were defeated before the Israelites.
v12 ~ 13: Samuel erected a stone and named it Ebenezer (stone of help). The Lord protected them while Samuel lived.
v14 ~ 16: The towns were restored to Israel. Samuel led and judged Israel for the Lord. There was peace.
CH 8 Israel Seeks a King
Q1. What caused them to ask for a king like other nations?
Failure of Samuel’s sons.
Q2. What was Got not happy about their request? (v7-8)
They rejected God as their king
Q3. What was Samuel’s warning for having a king like other nations? (three, v11-13, v14-17, v18)
The king will make your sons and daughters as His slaves.
The king will take away your possessions.
God won’t listen to your cry when the king oppresses you.
Q4. Why did they want a king like other nations?
They want protection from their enemies. They wanted to secure their life as other nations did. They didn’t trust God’s protection. They wanted to be slaves of the king to secure their lives.
God’s protection is promised when they follow God. However, they didn’t want God’s way. They want security regardless of their sins.
If we put wealth and security a higher priority, we would abandon Jesus.
Q5. Despite their request not being pleasant to God’s eyes, God granted their request. Find verses saying that. (three)
V7, v9, v22
God knew their plan would fail but granted to teach them there is no hope in themselves.
CH 9 Samuel Meets with Saul
Q1. What had been Saul looking for before he met Samuel?
His father’s donkey
Q2. What did they bring to ask Samuel, the seer, of their fortune?
¼ shekel of silver
Q3. Why did God choose Saul? (v16)
To save them from the Philistines. This was the reason they asked for a king.
Q4. When Samuel told Saul that he was chosen as a king, what was Saul’s response? (v20-21)
“My tribe is the smallest. (remember what happened in Judges 20-21). My family is the smallest among the tribe of Benjamin.”
Humble response.
Q5. Summarize in three parts (24, 25-26, 27)
V24: Saul and Samuel ate together. Saul was the special guest.
V25-26: They talked after the dinner. They went out together in the morning.
V27: Samuel asked Saul to stay more for God’s message.
CH 10 Samuel Anoints Saul
Q1. God made Saul deliver Israel from the Philistines. What were the three signs that God chose him as a king? (v2, v3-4, v5-6)
Saul will meet two men saying, “Donkeys have been found.”
He will meet the men and be given two loaves of bread
Saul would prophesy
Q2. What were Saul’s commands given to Saul? (v7-8)
Do whatever you find to do for God is with you
Go down to Gilgal and wait for Samuel for offerings
Samuel will tell Saul what to do
Q3. God actively chose Saul as the first king of Israel and showed him three confirming signs. Not only that, God intervened in the process of establishment of Saul’s kingship. Find four verses supporting it from v9-27.
V9, v10, v22, v26
Q4. According to what Samuel said in v18-19, why is their asking for a king bad?
They rejected God to be their king.
The Lord God of Israel saved and protected them. But they requested a king like other nations, which is a human king.
CH 11 The Battle of Jabesh and the Kingship strengthened
Q1. Nahash, the Ammonite king requested the people of Jabesh Gilead to gouge out their eyes as a condition of surrender. Why do you think this is humiliating all of Israel? (v2-3)
Nahash thought no one from other Israelite towns would come to save Jaesh Gilead.
Q2. How did God intervene in this situation? (three places, from v6 – 15)
God encouraged Saul with his anger (v6)
God put terror in the people’s hearts to join the battle (v7)
God gave them victory (v13)
Q3. After the victory, what did they do? (v12-15)
They came to Gilgal and renewed the kingship. All were very happy -> result of deliverance. (v9, v15)
CH 12 Samuel’s Farewell message
Q1. What is the point of Samuel’s argument in v1 ~ 5? (compare with 8:1 ~ 5).
– I am not responsible for your asking for a king
– I am not happy that you didn’t acknowledge my effort for the people and rejected me
Q2. When they were in trouble, even because of their sins, how did the Lord save them? (v8, 11)
– God sent a deliverer in times of need.
Q3. According to v8 ~ 11, what should be their prayer instead of saying v12?
– they needed to repent their sins and ask for God’s salvation, not a king.
– Let God choose his way of salvation.
– They thought their king would keep them safe.
Q4. In v14 – 15 and v24 – 25, Samuel warned them that salvation doesn’t come from ( ) but from ( ). They will live securely only when they ( ) the Lord, regardless they have ( ) or not.
King, the Lord, Obey, King
Q5. What was the purpose of thunder? (v17, 19)
To let them know asking for a king was a sin.
Q6. When they made a golden calf in Exodus Ch 32, the Lord was going to destroy them all. But, here when they sinned by asking for a king, the Lord didn’t punish them and rather gave them a king. Why do you think God didn’t punish their sin? (hint: think about the difference between making an idol and asking for a king)
Making an idol was explicitly forbidden by the Ten Commandments. They didn’t know asking for a king was a sin. When we sin without knowing it is a sin, God doesn’t punish us, though we are not sinless, but teaches us that it was a sin. When God reveals our certain act as a sin, we just need to listen to God.
God taught them their reliance on the human king was a sin that came up from the deeply embedded seedbed of sin in their hearts. This seedbed of sin is hidden throughout our life’s journey, but it sprouts various sins in a certain situation like this. In this passage, the threat of Nahash triggered them to seek their own way for security, wanting a human king, rather than relying on God’s way of salvation.
CH 13 Saul Fails the Lord
Q1. T or F
– Jonathan’s attack triggered the battle
– Israel gathered 3,000 chariots and 6,000 horsemen against the Philistines
– Though they were a small number, the Israelites courageously came forward to the battle
– Saul didn’t wait until seven days as Samuel had promised to come and offered sacrifices by himself
– Saul offered sacrifices to get God’s help in the battle
– Saul’s deed was foolish because he did not obey God’s command up to the point of risking his life
– Jonathan’s attack triggered the battle
– Israel gathered 3,000 chariots and 6,000 horsemen against the Philistines
– Though they were a small number, the Israelites courageously came forward to the battle
– Saul didn’t wait until seven days as Samuel had promised to come and offered sacrifices by himself
– Saul offered sacrifices to get God’s help in the battle
– Saul’s deed was foolish because he did not obey God’s command up to the point of risking his life
True, False, False, False, True, True
Q2. Summarize (15-18, 19-22)
– v15 – 18: Only 600 men were left to Saul and Jonathan. The Philistines started raiding the Israelite towns.
– 19 – 22: They didn’t have weapons. Hopeless.
CH 14 Jonathan vs Saul
Q1. Compare their attitudes toward God and the battle, between Saul (2-3, 16-19) and Jonathan (1, 6-12).

Saul (v2-3, v16-19): using God’s priest as his fortune teller. He didn’t do anything for the battle.
Jonathan (v1, v6 – 12): He trusted in the Lord. He courageously went to the battle.
Q2. Jonathan trusted in ( ) and climbed up a cliff called ( ) to a Philistine garrison post. He and his companion killed ( ) in ½ acre region. Then the Lord’s ( ) overwhelmed the Philistines.
The Lord, Bozez, 20, fear
Q3. The following explains how 600 men could defeat the army of 3000 chariots and 6000 horsemen. Find supporting verses
– Jonatha’s trust in God and courage
– Hebrew soldiers who had joined the Philistine army switched back to Israel.
– Soldiers who had hidden themselves came out and fought.
– Lord delivered them.
V6 & 12, v21, v22, v15&23
Q4. What caused the Israelites to eat the animal with blood in it? (v24, 31-32)
Saul’s oath
They were very hungry
Q5. Find verses that allude to Saul’s presumptuous attitude before God. (from v36-40)
V36, v39, v40
Q6. Saul didn’t have a right understanding of God. He tried to use God for his purpose, sought human glory, and misunderstood God as a strict legalist. Find supporting verses for the following statements.
– Saul used God’s priest as his private fortune teller.
– Saul made a silly oath for his pride.
– Saul didn’t ask God when he needed to.
– Saul thought that God should answer him, but a sin made Him not answer.
– Saul dictated the penalty for eating honey without knowing the oath would be death.
– If God had delivered Israel through Jonathan, He would deliver Jonathan from any punishment caused by his mistake or even sin.
– Saul used God’s priest as his private fortune teller.
– Saul made a silly oath for his pride.
– Saul didn’t ask God when he needed to.
– Saul thought that God should answer him, but a sin made Him not answer.
– Saul dictated the penalty for eating honey without knowing the oath would be death.
– If God had delivered Israel through Jonathan, He would deliver Jonathan from any punishment caused by his mistake or even sin.
V3 & 18-19, v24, v36, v38, v44, v45
Q7. God didn’t answer to Saul at v37. Then, why do you think God answered Saul when he asked who had sinned? (hint: Think about the purpose of Saul’s making the oath @ v24 and the outcome of this @ v45 )
Saul wanted to earn credit from the battle. However, it became clear that Jonathan was a hero. Saul’s false piety and self-pride were discovered.
Q8. What was the purpose of God’s choosing Saul as a king? (v47, 48, 52)
To save them from the Philistines. They wanted a warrior king; God gave such a king.
CH 15 Saul is Rejected as King
Q1. What was God’s order given to Saul?
God has anointed Saul to be a king.
Destroy everything of the Amalekites. Look at the long list in v3.
Q2. Saul warned ( ) to be separated from the Amalekites before the attack. He struck the Amalekites from ( ) to ( ). Saul and his army did everything but spared ( ) along with ( ) of the flock and valuable things.
Saul warned ( the Kenites ) to be separated from the Amalekites before the attack. He struck the Amalekites from ( Havilah ) to ( Shur ). Saul and his army did everything but spared ( Agag ) along with ( the best ) of the flock and valuable things.
Q3. What was God’s message to Saul after the battle?
I regret that I have made Saul king.
Q4. Saul set up a ( ) for himself and said to Samuel that he ( ) the Lord’s order. And for the cattle he had spared, he said it was to ( ) the Lord.
Saul set up a ( monument ) for himself and said to Samuel that he ( carried out ) the Lord’s order. And for the cattle he had spared, he said it was to ( worship ) the Lord.
Q5. What are three reasons for Saul’s disobedience? (12 & 17, 9 & 19, 21 & 24)
– v12, v17: seeking own glory
– v9, v19: greed
-v21, v24: fear of man
Q6. This is Samuel’s message to Saul. “( ) is better than ( ). You have ( ) the Lord’s orders, he has ( ) you from being king.”
This is Samuel’s message to Saul. “( Obedience ) is better than ( sacrifice ). You have ( rejected ) the Lord’s orders, he has ( rejected ) you from being king.”
Q7. Why did Saul ask Samuel to go with him worshiping the Lord? (v26-31)
To get people’s praise through Samuel’s acknowledgment of his kingship.
Q8. Who killed Agag?
Samuel. Saul didn’t fulfill God’s order.
CH 16 David’s Anointing
Q1. When the Lord said to Samuel to go and anoint a new king, why was he afraid of doing so? (v2, 4)
Saul might have killed Samuel if he knew.
At this, we know that Saul became obsessed with keeping the throne after he was told God had rejected him.
Q2. Why did God reject the three oldest sons of Jesse?
Their hearts were not ready. God sees the heart.
Even Samuel focused on human appearance. This means, no one can see through a person’s heart as God does.
Q3. In the Book of 1 Samuel, we see the Lord’s sovereignty that He raises one up and brings the other down. Find supporting verses for the following two statements. 1) They treated David as unimportant. 2) However, God raised him up.
V11 first part
V11 second part, v13
Not like man, God does not look at the mere appearance but the heart.
Q4. After David’s anointing, what happened to Saul and David? (v13, v18, v14, v23)
The Lord’s spirit was upon David
An evil spirit from the Lord came upon Saul.
Pouring of the Spirit follows anointing as it was so with Saul.
CH 17 David’s Victory Against Goliath
Q1. As the Philistines gathered to fight with Isreal Saul and his army camped at ( ). ( ), the champion from the Philistines, came out and challenged the Israelite army saying, “( ).” However, none of the Israelite soldiers dared to fight with him. They were very upset and ( ). At this battle camp, there were three sons of Jesse, ( ), ( ), and ( ). David’s father sent him to deliver ( ) to his brothers.
As the Philistines gathered to fight with Isreal Saul and his army camped at ( the Valley of Elah ). ( Goliath ), the champion from the Philistines came out and challenged the Israelite army saying, “( Give me a man to fight with me ).” However, none of the Israelite soldiers dared to fight with him. They were very upset and ( very afraid ). At this battle camp, there were three sons of Jesse, ( Eliab ), ( Abinadab ), and ( Shammah ). David’s father sent him to deliver ( food ) to his brothers.
Q2. David asked three times about the reward for the one who would kill Goliath. What was the reward?
The king will make him wealthy, the son-in-law of the king, tax exemption of his father.
Q3. Why was David upset at Goliath? (v26, 36)
He defied the armies of the living God.
Q4. How could David be confident about his victory? (two. V34-37, v45-46)
God will protect David as He protected him from the wild beasts.
God will restore his reputation.
Q5. What was David’s weapon?
A sling and stones.
Weapons are not important. David used something familiar to him. God used it to kill Goliath.
Q6. David said to the Philistine, “You are coming against me with ( ) and ( ) and ( ). But I am coming against you in the name of ( ), the God of Israel’s armies, whom you defied! This very day the Lord will deliver ( ) into ( ). Then, all the land, not only soldiers on the battlefield, will realize that ( ).
David said to the Philistine, “You are coming against me with ( sword ) and ( spear ) and ( Javelin ). But I am coming against you in the name of ( God of Israel ), the God of Israel’s armies, whom you defied! This very day the Lord will deliver ( you ) into ( my hand ). Then, all the land, not only soldiers on the battlefield, will realize that ( Israel has God ).
Q7. What was Saul’s response to David’s victory? (v55-58)
He checked David’s name and family background. He didn’t praise God nor appraise David but was only concerned about his kingship.
CH 18 Saul Comes to Fear David
Q1. Find verses that explain the relationship between Jonathan and David.
V1, v3, v4,
In ch 18, we see that everyone liked David except Saul. He was blinded by his obsession with the throne.
Q2. What made Saul angry?
People praise more David than Saul. (v7)
Q3. Why did Saul fear David? Find two places that support your answer.
The Lord was with David (v12, 14, v28-29)
Why the Lord’s being with David -> Saul’s fear? Saul realized that no one could harm David if the Lord was with him. (v28-29)
Q4. What was Saul’s trick to kill David? Two times.
To make David fight against the Philistines
Ask David for 100 foreskin as the bride price.
Q5. Do you think David wanted to be the king’s son-in-law?
Yes. It seemed obvious that Saul didn’t want to give his daughter to David as his first daughter was given to another man. Also, this is not a command from Saul. But, Saul let it be said to David to trigger him to risk his life.
David would not need to do this. Maybe, David thought that he could be the successor of Saul by being his son-in-law. However, God’s plan was different.
Despite all these human wills and thoughts, God protected David and gave him greater success.
CH 19 Saul Repeatedly Attempts to Kill David
Q1. In chapter 19, Saul tries to kill David three times. Fill the table accordingly.
Verses that tell Saul’s trial to kill David How David was saved Aftermath 1st attempt (v1-7) V1: Saul told Jonathan and his servants to kill David 2nd attempt (v8-17) 3rd attempt (v18-24) David fled from Naioth in Ramah.
Verses that tell Saul’s trial to kill David | How David was saved | Aftermath | |
1st attempt (v1-7) | V1: Saul told Jonathan and his servants to kill David | ||
2nd attempt (v8-17) | |||
3rd attempt (v18-24) | David fled from Naioth in Ramah. |
Verses that tell Saul’s trial to kill David How David was saved Aftermath 1st attempt (v1-7) V1: Saul told Jonathan and his servants to kill David Jonathan told David to flee. Jonathan persuaded Saul, and Saul promised not to kill David 2nd attempt (v8-17) Saul tried to nail David to the wall and sent soldiers to his house to wait and kill Michal let David flee Saul was angry at Michal. And she lied to her father. 3rd attempt (v18-24) Saul sent his messengers to David in Ramah, Samule’s hometown. Later, he himself went there. The Lord’s spirit came upon them and Saul David fled from Naioth in Ramah.
Q2. The evil spirit from ( ) came upon Saul and re-triggered him to seek David’s life. As Saul went to Naioth in Ramah in pursuit of David, ( ) came upon him, and he walked prophesying and lay down naked. From the observation of these verses, we know that God used ( ) to make David ready for his kingship.
The Lord, the Spirit of God, Saul
CH 20 The covenant between Jonathan and David
Q1. When Saul first time ordered his servants to kill David, he also told to Jonathan as well (19:1). But Jonathan loved David and let him escape from danger. Later, Saul didn’t let Jonathan know about the plan. That’s why Jonathan didn’t believe Saul was trying to kill David (v ). What was David’s request to Jonathan in v5-8?
Verse 2.
Check if Saul intends to kill David. If so, David wants Jonathan to kill him.
Q2. The covenant between Jonathan and David. Right now, David’s life is at stake. Then why does Jonathan ask David to swear to treat Jonathan’s family favorably? (v15-16)
Jonathan knew God would lift David up.
Q3. How would Jonathan tell David about Saul’s intention? (v19-23)
By shooting an arrow and telling a pre-defined word.
Q4. Why does Saul want to kill David? (v30-31)
To keep his throne. Saul might have known David’s anointing.
Q5. What is Jonathan’s reason Saul should not kill David?
David didn’t do any wrong. He loved David.
Q6. Find verses that show Jonathan’s love for David.
V3, v17, v34?, v41, v42?
Q7. David was a refugee and Jonathan was the son of one who tried to kill David. It seemed not easy to keep their friendship. How could this friendship last? (v12, v23, v42)
Both of them sought God wholeheartedly. God was in their relationship.
CH 21 David’s Flee: -> Nob -> Gath
Q1. David went to Ahimelech the priest in Nob. When Ahimelech asked David how he alone came, what did he answer?

The mission was urgent and came alone. David lied.
Q2. Only priests were supposed to eat the showbread (aka. the Bread of Presence) (Lev 24:9). Were the priest and David doing right?
The priest did wrong at first for he should have known that it was only for the priests to eat. For David, upon the priest’ grant he ate. The Bible says it was inevitable for there was no food. (v4, 6). Jesus also said David was innocent regarding this. The spirit of the law is love.
Q3. What is the name of the Edomite who was in charge of Saul’s shepherds?
Q4. How did David manage to escape from King Achish of Gath?
He pretended insane.
CH 22 David’s Flee: Adullam and Mizpah, Execution of priests
Q1. After David had fled to the king of Moab, he returned to Judah. Why?
God told him to return to Judah. God wanted David to stay in Judah, not Philistine or Moab.
Q2. According to Saul’s complaint (v6-8), what did Jonathan do to protect David?
Jonathan made a covenant with David and hired someone to monitor Saul.
Q3. The King of Israel was a servant of God and needed to listen to God’s words. Therefore, the king should not reign over prophets or priests. However, he used the priest of God as his private servant (1 Sam 14:4,18-19). Saul did execute his power over priests as the pagan kings did. Find the supporting verses for this statement. (from v11-19)
V12, v13?, v17.
Q4. Find verses from 1 Sam 2:30-36 that foretold the priesthood massacre of Eli’s family.
V31, v32
Q5. Why did David feel guilty about their deaths?
David noticed Doeg was there and could expect this would happen, but didn’t take any proper action.
CH 23 God’s protection for David
Q1. When David heard that the Philistines had attacked Keilah, he asked God if he should go and fight. Why did he ask twice?
People didn’t want to go. David asked once again.
Q2. When Saul heard that David went to Keilah, he mustered the whole army to attack David. How did David escape from the pursuit of Saul?
David inquired God using the priest’s ephod.
Q3. Find a verse saying God protected David from Saul
Verse 14. Not David’s effort.
Q4. What is Jonathan’s encouraging word for David?
Through God. -> God encouraged David.
“Don’t be afraid. You will rule over Israel”
Q5. Who informed Saul of David’s whereabouts?
The Ziphites
Q6. In the wildness of Moan, David and his men were surrounded by Saul’s men. They were about to be captured. What happened at that moment so that David’s life was spared?
The Philistines invaded Israel. It was a God’s work.
CH 24 David spares Saul’s life
Q1. When a chance to kill Saul was given to David, what did his servants say and what did David say? Compare two speeches. (verses 4 and 6)
David’s servants (V4): the Lord gave this chance.
David (v6) I would not harm the Lord’s chosen one.
Q2. Why did David not kill Saul?
For Saul was the Lord’s anointed.
Q3. When David told Saul that he spared his life in the cave, what did Saul say? (two things, v17-19, v20-21)
You are more innocent than I, for you treated me well even though I have treated you evil.
Do not cut off my descendants from the house of my father.
CH 25 The Lord saved David from shedding blood through Abigail
Q1. How does the Bible describe about Nabal and Abigail?
Nabal: harsh and evil (v3), not listening (v17), foolish (v25), enjoying feasts (v36)
Abigail: wise and beautiful (v3), being sacrificial for her husband (v24), Good judgment (v33)
Q2. Why did Nabal refuse to provide food for David and his men?
“I don’t know David”
He knew David. He must be afraid of Saul. He is stubborn (v17) and greedy (v36).
Q3. What was David’s response when he heard Nabal’s refusal? (v12-13, v21-22)
David was furious and said, “I will kill all men of them.”
David’s reaction could not be approved.
Q4. What was Abigail’s response? (v18-19. V23-25)
She quickly did proper work.
She begged for her husband.
Q5. ( ) was a national leader who could authenticate David’s kingship and, as God’s prophet, David’s mentor in such a time of afflictions. He died before David became king. However, God sent ( ) to David, confirmed that David would become king (v. ), and asked him not to pay back any wrong by himself (v. ).
This could apply to our life. We should trust in God that He will accomplish His promises. We should not pay back any wrong by ourselves. This is the reason, God will surely protect your life and avenge your enemies by Himself (v ). Therefore, for your side, you’d better focus on walking ( ) before God, without guilt and evil in your heart.
David praised ( ) and ( ) for preventing David from blood-shedding. David listened to her advice (v. ), unlike Nabal who didn’t listen to anyone (v. ).
This could apply to our life. We should trust in God that He will accomplish His promises. We should not pay back any wrong by ourselves. This is the reason, God will surely protect your life and avenge your enemies by Himself (v ). Therefore, for your side, you’d better focus on walking ( ) before God, without guilt and evil in your heart.
David praised ( ) and ( ) for preventing David from blood-shedding. David listened to her advice (v. ), unlike Nabal who didn’t listen to anyone (v. ).
( Samuel ) was a national leader who could authenticate David’s kingship and, as God’s prophet, David’s mentor in such a time of afflictions. He died before David became king. However, God sent ( Abigail ) to David, confirmed that David would become king (verse 28 ), and asked him not to pay back any wrong by himself (v 26 (or 28, 31) ).
This could apply to our life. We should trust in God that He will accomplish His promises. We should not pay back any wrong by ourselves. This is the reason, God will surely protect your life and avenge your enemies by Himself (v29 ). Therefore, for your side, you’d better focus on walking ( blameless ) before God, without guilt and evil in your heart.
David praised ( the Lord ) and ( her wise judgment ) for preventing David from blood-shedding. David listened to her advice (v35 ), unlike Nabal who didn’t listen to anyone (v17 ).
Q6. ( ) and ( ) became David’s wife. But ( ), a daughter of Saul had been given to another man.
Abigail, Ahinoam, Michal
CH 26 David spared Saul’s life again
Q1. Summarize.(1-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-12, 13-16)
V1 – 4: Saul again came out to kill David. And David heard this.
V5 – 6: David saw where Saul had camped and went down together with Ahimelech and Abishai
V7 – 8: Abishai said it was a chance given by God and kill Saul.
V9 – 12: David said he could not harm the Lord’s anointed and only took Saul’s spear and a water jug.
V13 – 16: David accused Abnel of his failure to guard the Lord’s anointed.
Q2. What was David’s expectation of how long he would live as a flee? (v10)
– Until Saul dies of natural disease or in the battle.
Q3. After the anointing, God put David in the school of brokenness. God is the principal, and Saul was hired as a villain according to God’s curriculum. As the training progressed, David’s mindset on how to interpret such an unfair situation changed. Compare the following verses to see this change.
20:1, 8: David was frustrated that Saul sought his life without reason. He said to Jonathan, “What is my ( )?” He wanted instant justice by asking ( ) to kill him if he were guilty, rather than taking him to Saul.
24:9 – 15: David asked Saul not to listen to those who maliciously accused David before Saul. By cutting off a piece from Saul’s cloak, he tried to persuade Saul that ( ). (v11) David entrusted the judgment to ( ).
26: 18-20, 23-24: David acknowledged God’s sovereignty. If this suffering was from ( ), he said he would accept it. But what made David sad was being moved away from ( ). For the judgment, David expected God’s ( ) that would be given later. He wanted God to value his ( ) and deliver him from all future danger as he valued Saul’s ( ). At this time, we know that David was confident about God’s protection from Saul.
20:1, 8: David was frustrated that Saul sought his life without reason. He said to Jonathan, “What is my ( )?” He wanted instant justice by asking ( ) to kill him if he were guilty, rather than taking him to Saul.
24:9 – 15: David asked Saul not to listen to those who maliciously accused David before Saul. By cutting off a piece from Saul’s cloak, he tried to persuade Saul that ( ). (v11) David entrusted the judgment to ( ).
26: 18-20, 23-24: David acknowledged God’s sovereignty. If this suffering was from ( ), he said he would accept it. But what made David sad was being moved away from ( ). For the judgment, David expected God’s ( ) that would be given later. He wanted God to value his ( ) and deliver him from all future danger as he valued Saul’s ( ). At this time, we know that David was confident about God’s protection from Saul.
20:1, 8: David was frustrated that Saul sought his life without reason. He said to Jonathan, “What is my ( offense )?” He wanted instant justice by asking ( Jonathan ) to kill him if he were guilty, rather than taking him to Saul.
24:9 – 15: David asked Saul not to listen to those who maliciously accused David before Saul. By cutting off a piece from Saul’s cloak, he tried to persuade Saul that ( David didn’t plan to kill him ). (v11) David entrusted the judgment to ( God ).
26: 18-20, 23-24: David acknowledged God’s sovereignty. If this suffering was from ( God ), he said he would accept it. But what made David sad was being moved away from ( the Lord’s presence ). For the judgment, David expected God’s ( reward ) that would be given later. He wanted God to value his ( life ) and deliver him from all future danger as he valued Saul’s ( life ). At this time, we know that David was confident about God’s protection from Saul.
David’s mindset change:
Narrow focusing on own righteousness
started to see God’s sovereignty
Cause-judgment interpretation of situations (PAST oriented)
integrity-reward interpretation (FUTURE expecting)
Instant justice
waiting for God’s judgment.
CH 27 David aligns himself with the Philistines
Q1. In 22:5, God asked David to return to Judah when he had fled to Moab. Here in chapter 27, David went to the Philistinian land. Was it God’s will? Did David right or wrong?
Going down without asking God was not good.
But this time, God didn’t ask him to return to Judah. In this land, David would go through the climax of the training on how to trust in God. (ch29 – 30)
Q2. David went to ( ), the king of Gath, and showed his allegiance to the Philistine king. He gave David a town ( ). David stayed in the Philistines for ( ).
David went to ( Achish ), the king of Gath, and showed his allegiance to the Philistine king. He gave David a town ( Ziklag ). David stayed in the Philistines for ( a year and four months ).
Q3. While David stayed in Ziklag, he raided the Geshurites, the Girzites, and ( ). He didn’t leave any ( ). They are common enemies of the Philistines and Israel. However, he reported to Achish that he attacked “( )” or “the Negev of Jerahmeel.” He gave Achish the impression that his raids were against the southern parts of ( ) and for the welfare of the ( ). In this way, David got Achish’s ( ).
While David stayed in Ziklag, he raided the Geshurites, the Girzites, and (the Amalekites). He didn’t leave any ( survival ). They are common enemies of the Philistines and Israel. However, he reported to Achish that he attacked “( the Negev of Judah )” or “the Negev of Jerahmeel.” He gave Achish the impression that his raids were against the southern parts of ( Judah ) and for the welfare of the ( Philistines ). In this way, David got Achish’s ( trust ).
CH 28 The Witch of Endor
Q1. What was David’s dilemma? (v1-2)
He was under Achish’s protection. He asked David to fight for the Philistines against the Israelites.
Q 2. What was Saul’s trouble? (v3-7)
He had no one to ask for God’s guidance. Finally, he went to a witch to ask for help.
Q3. What did Samuel say to Saul? (v16-18, 19)
God has abandoned you because of your disobedience. Don’t bother me.
You and your son will die tomorrow.
Q4. What did the woman do to Saul? (v21-22, 23-25)
Listen to me. Eat something, get strength, and go.
She butchered a calf and provided Saul.
A medium became Saul’s prophetess and priest. (unleavened bread. Saul listened to her)
CH 29 The Philistine leaders rejected David
Q1. David and his men joined the army of Achish to attack Israel. How did it come that David was saved from attacking his own people?
God made the Philistine leaders reject David.
Q2. Even in the time of David’s wrong decision to go down to the Philistines’ land, God protected David. God convinced Achish of David’s loyalty, which yielded a measure of protection. He also convinced the other Philistine commanders of David’s threat to themselves, which resulted in their sending him far from the field of battle. Find related verses.
Convincing Achish of David’s loyalty: (three verses):
Convincing the other Philistine leaders of David’s threat: (four verses):
Convincing Achish of David’s loyalty: (three verses):
Convincing the other Philistine leaders of David’s threat: (four verses):
Verses 3 & 6 & 9, verses 4-6 & 9
CH 30 David Defeated the Amalekites
Q1. When David joined the Philistine camp, what happened to their hometown Ziklag?
The Amalekites burnt the city, looted, and took away their families.
Q2. When they saw their families were gone, what was their response and David’s? (v3-8)
They cried and tried to stone David.
David was very upset but drew strength from the Lord.
Since David had been to the land of the Philistines, David finally learned to fully trust in God.
Q3. At the beginning of the pursuit, 600 men departed. But, ( ) men were too exhausted and left at Wadi Besor. They found ( ) who was a slave of one of the Amalekites. He was abandoned by his master because ( ). After restoration with David’s help, he guided David and his army to the raiding party. David struck them and retrieved ( ) that had been taken. Also, he took a lot of plunder. Some worthless men argued not to share their plunder with ( ) men who were left at Wadi Besor. But David said, “No, you shouldn’t do this. ( ) gave us victory and this much plunder.”
At the beginning of the pursuit, 600 men departed. But, ( 200 ) men were too exhausted and left at Wadi Besor. They found ( an Egyptian ) who was a slave of one of the Amalekites. He was abandoned by his master because ( he was ill ). After restoration with David’s help, he guided David and his army to the raiding party. David struck them and retrieved ( all ) that had been taken. Also, he took a lot of plunder. Some worthless men argued not to share their plunder with ( 200 ) men who were left at Wadi Besor. But David said, “No, you shouldn’t do this. ( The Lord ) gave us victory and this much plunder.”
When David trusted his followers, God could make them hostile to David.
Q4. After David returned to Ziklag, what did he do?
He distributed his plunder with the Israelite towns. David wanted to get a favor from them. The bible shows a long list of towns. Does this foreshadow the ideal king who distributes gifts to his people?
CH 31 The Death of Saul
Q1. How did Saul die?
He suicided.
Q2. What did the Philistines do when they saw Saul and his sons dead? (two things)
Spread the news of Saul’s death.
They hung the corpses on the wall of Beth Shan
3. What town’s people took Saul and his sons’ corpses, buried them, and mourned for them?
Jabesh Gilead. Saul had saved them from Nahash the Ammonite king at the beginning of his kingship.