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The questions are based on the NET Bible.

CH 1: The Apostle of the Gospel & God’s Wrath upon Unrighteousness

Q1. The gospel is about Jesus Christ. What are the two identities of Jesus?

According to the flesh: a descendant of David

According to the Spirit: the Son of God

Q2. Why did Paul give thanks to God when he remembered the Roman Christians?

Their faith was proclaimed throughout the whole world.

Their faith shows that God’s grace was endowed with the Church of Rome. Paul, as an apostle of the Gentiles, would have been grateful because of the importance of the Church of Rome in his mission for the Gentiles.

Q3. Why did Paul want to visit Rome? (v11-15)

To impart them some spiritual gifts to strengthen them.

Mutual comfort. (in the environment of persecution of the Early Church)

To get some fruit (to evangelize)

Q4. From the perspective of Greek-Roman culture, Gospel of the cross seemed foolish. However, Paul delivered Gospel boldly because Paul knew () that works to the believers of the gospel. How do it work? In the Gospel, () is revealed, which is that God provides the way of salvation through forgiveness of sins by the blood of (). Therefore, we can boldly come to God to get life. That is what the prophet Habakkuk said (). (16-17)

By faith: Habakkuk would have thought that the death of the righteous by the wicked was unjust.

God did not tell the OT people about the resurrection explicitly. When God said, “The arrogant will be ruined and the faithful will live,” He meant that He would raise the faithful, although they die now. Even if God doesn’t explicitly promise the reward, you can trust and follow His directions. Then, you won’t be disappointed.

However, if you do something in the hope of compensation, your obedience is not from faith and the reward would not be a gift but a pay for your labor.

Q5. This is the reason for God’s wrath. People suppress (     ) by their (    ). Verse 32 describes it.

Truth (of God), unrighteousness

They deny and suppress God’s truth to defend their sinfulness.

Q6. Even though people don’t acknowledge God, they could not be excused. Why?

God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen in His work, the creation.

Q7. Why do people not recognize God’s existence from His creation? (v21)

By not glorifying God, their thoughts and senseless hearts were darkened.

Q8. The next step shows how humans commit sinful behavior. (Verse 21-32). Fill in the blanks.

Start of sin = Not seeking the glory of God: People’s minds are darkened and foolish, so they turn () into () and worship them.

The Fall of Intelligence: God gave them over in (). This is because they exchanged () with () by worshiping the creation more than the Creator.

Slave of Desire: So God left them to () that they cannot control. They did a shameful thing by exchange () with ().

Corrupt morality and Disgusting deeds: Just as they hate to put () in their hearts, God gave them over to (). So they do not only all kinds of sins, but also () those who do them.

CH 2: God’s Righteous Judgment

Q1. Why does the one who judges others have no excuse? (v1)

He/she does the same thing.

According to the previous passage (1:18-32), all sin shares the same root: not seeking God’s glory.

Q2. God’s judgment is in accordance with (   ). What are two misunderstandings about God’s righteous judgment? (v2-5)


Having a knowledge of God’s law is enough. (Judging someone, even though you don’t commit the same sins, won’t be excused and be judged strictly)

God’s forbearing of your sins and waiting for your repentance -> you might think “I am doing fine”

Q3. What is the end of stubbornness and unrepentant heart?

You will be judged righteously on the day of judgment of God.

Q4. God will reward each one according to (    ). Why is the God’s reward plan in v7-8 fair?

the works

Seeking immortal reward -> will get eternal life

Not obeying the truth and following unrighteousness -> wrath.

What you seek, you will get.

Q5. What does Paul want to say by repeating “the Jew first and also the Greek”? (v9-11)

No distinction of religious or racial background. God’s judgment is universal and fair to all people. Since the Jew have received God’s law, the judgment will be according to the law. And for the Gentiles, it will be according to their conscience. The Bible says there is no one righteous. Paul meant there is no discrimination in God’s judgment, as the judgment will be according to their deeds.

Still there is an order of judgment and salvation: As the law was given to the Jews, judgment will come to the Jews first. The law explicitly reveals our sins. However, the Gentiles will not be exempt from the judgment for God put conscience in them. As Jesus came as a Jews and the gospel proclaimed to the Jews first, the salvation comes to the Jews first and then the Gentiles.

Q6. How could the one who have never heard about God be accountable for his deeds before God? (14-16)

According to each person’s heart (the sound of conscience). No one will be able to refute God’s verdict on that day of judgment.

Q7. What were the three things the Jew’s were proud of? (17-20)

The law


They claimed they were a guide to the blind.

Q8. What kinds of hypocrisy (or discrepancy) did the Jews show in their behaviors, for the three things they were proud of? (21-24)

They teach others but not themselves. (they don’t accept the law into their hearts)

Breaking the law

Dishonor God

Q9. The true Jew is the one who has circumcised his (    ). (v25-29)


Q10. God’s righteous judgment will be according to our () that reflect what we have in our (). We shouldn’t judge others for we don’t know their motives. However, in front of God, the hidden motives will be revealed on Judgment Day (verse). Therefore, we should pay more attention to God’s evaluation than to human praise (verse). If we judge others or enjoy claiming a good Christian without deeds, we are seeking praise from ().

CH 3: God’s Righteousness Is Revealed

Q1. What is the foremost privilege of the Jews?

The oracle of God. The word/promise.

Q2. According to verse 3, the God’s plan/promise is in danger of failure because of failure of His chosen people. What was His plan now? (v21)

The salvation through grace, not through the law.

God’s righteousness is revealed apart from the law.

Plan of blessing -> plan of salvation from sin. ->

Q3. The rightness of God is mystery itself. His faithfulness is manifested even by unfaithfulness of His people. So some people think that our () will help reveal God’s (). Also, they say that in comparison to our (), God’s truth vividly reveals God’s (). However, we must not live in sin because we will be accountable before God for what we have done.

unrighteousness, righteousness, lie, glory

Q4. The Jews were the ones who took charge of God’s words, but their actions were no better than those of Gentiles. What does the Law that they were proud of point out about their sin? (10-18)

There is no one righteous, not even one.

The law, itself says that they are sinners. If they were faithful to the law, they would not claim their righteousness.

Q5. What are the two emphases in the statements about human depravity, given in v10-18? (Hint: find repeated word in v10-12, focus on the parts of human body in v13-18)

No one is exception. ALL are sinners

All parts of one were fallen. Throat, tongue, lips, mouth, feet, eyes. It says that the whole of us is sinful. In other words, intelligence, emotion, and will are all corrupted. You don’t know God, you don’t feel God, you don’t want to do good. There is nothing good in me.

Q6. Purpose of the law given to the Jews was to (     ). (v19) However, they were boasting about their righteousness and judging others. It was the totally opposite result from what God had expected.

Make them silent before God. (knowing their sins they would be humble and ask for forgiveness)

Q7. The righteousness of God was revealed apart from (   ) but attested by (   ), especially though (       ). (v21-22)

the Law

the law and the prophets (the law = Pentateuch, the Prophets = other books of OT except (Job ~ Songs))

Faithfulness of Jesus Christ (or “faith in Jesus Christ” in other translations)

Q8. God publicly displayed crucified Jesus as the mercy seat, where God () their sins. They were justified by () through () in Jesus Christ, because there is () who is righteous enough to approach God, the source of eternal life. (v23-25. 1st and 4th answer are not direct from the passage)

The Mercy Seat was the lid of the ark of the covenant in the tabernacle of the Old Testament. The priests sprinkled the blood of the offering on it, thus sins were forgiven.

Q9. When we see God withholds to punish someone’s sins, we tend to blame God that He is not (    ). In this way, God had been blamed until Jesus’ crucifixion. However, the cross confirmed that God is righteous. What are the two facts that we can claim God is righteous? (v25-26)

Just (or righteous)

He punishes sin in Jesus’ crucifixion

He saves the one who believes Jesus (God fulfilled the promise)

Q10. v27-31 help us to understand what the ‘Faith’ is. Paul says what is not about faith, meaninglessness of the Jewish privilege, and right understanding of faith in relation with the law. What are the four statements in v27~31? (hint: Find four questions)

Boasting is not an attitude of faith.

Not of works.

God of all people: God cares for all nations and provides a way of salvation for them.

The faith doesn’t nullify the law. We need to know more about God through the law. We fulfill the law through faith. Loving others already has fulfilled the law (Rom 13:8)

CH 4: The Righteousness through Faith

Q1. Why can’t Abraham boast?

Being righteous is not through the act, but through the grace in faith

Q2. What kind of blessing did David discover? (v6-8, Hint: The answer also could be the answer for this question, ‘How could God declare the ungodly righteous as in v5?’)

the blessing of forgiveness. David was guilty of adultery and murder, but God forgave him and did not revoke the David covenant previously given to him.

Q3. Why do you think God called Abraham righteous by his faith, without anywork? (v11-12. Hint: It was God’s plan to provide salvation to human.)

To save all nations, not only the Jews. (no one could be saved through works)

Q4. Inheriting the world means governing the world with God’s life and righteousness. This promise is fulfilled by (         ). This is possible when we have Jesus Christ, the Way of Life, in us. (v13-15)

The righteousness that comes by faith

The righteousness means a state of being in the right relationship with God. In other words, the relationship with God is restored, and the world is governed as God wishes through us, God’s instruments.

Q5. Why can’t the promise of inheriting the world (Abraham’s promise and our promise in Jesus) be achieved by keeping the law? (v15)

The law brings wrath of God because all sin. And this wrath = broken relationship -> no way of following God’s life to the world.

Q6. According to Verse 16-18, what do you think are two reasons (or benefits) why God saves us by faith?

To save by grace.

To make Abraham the ancestor of all tribes. All who follow Abraham’s faith are descendants of Abraham.

Q7. What are two things Abraham believed in God? (Find at 17-21)

God can save the dead. (His ability)

God will keep his word. (His faithfulness)

Q8. Considering Abraham’s story in verse 17-21, what makes our faith weak and how do we overcome it?

Our physical condition and status (visible facts) and a reality that we know.

To overcome, hold on to the word and rely on God’s ability and faithfulness.

Q9. How do you think believing in God’s promise is to honor God? (20-22)

Faith is to accept that God can and will keep his word. Trust Him despite all visible odds.

Q10. Faith begins with the (    ) perception of God, who wants to forgive sinners and save the dead. And faith and worship are our (    ) response to God. Such response is called our ‘righteousness’ before God. (Hint: Same word.)

Right, right

Q11. Through Abraham’s story, the author concludes that God planned to save us through faith. So what do we have to believe?

God raised Jesus from the dead.

Jesus died for our sins and resurrected to reconcile us to the Father.

CH 5: Peace and Righteousness through One Man Jesus

Q1. What are the four benefits that faith brings? (v1-4)

Peace with God.

Access to the grace


Glory (right now we have hope of glory)

Q2. How can we assure that what we hope in Christ would come true? (v5)

Because God’s love is so great, we are certain that the promise of God will come true.

Will God not keep his promise, as He loves us so much?

Q3. How great is God’s love for us? (v6-8)

While we are still sinners, God sent His Son to die for us.

Q4. v9-11 explains our benefits through Jesus Christ, of the past, the future, and the present. What are they?

Past: we have been declared righteous

Future: we will be saved from God’s wrath on the day of judgment

Present: we are reconciled to God. Peaceful relationship with God.

Q5. How did death come to all of us? Why did people sin? (v12-14) (the second half of v12 could be rendered “death spread to all people with the result that all sinned”)

Through Adam’s sin.

Because we are under the power of death.

Q6. As through one man Adam came sin and death to the world, through one man Jesus came righteousness and life. However, there are three differences in how transgression and gracious gift work.

Though one transgression made many die, the gift by the grace of one man Jesus much more abundantly () to many to life.

Though the one transgression brought a judgment to condemnation, the gracious () of justification was given despite of many failures.

Though death reigned through one man’s transgression, we will surely reign in life though one man Jesus, for we received () of grace and of the gift of righteousness.

Q7. Summarize v18-19 in one sentence.

Just as through one transgression brought condemnation to all, through the one righteous act came righteousness for all people. (v19)

Q8. As the law came, we were convicted even more of our sins. However, as the law reveals our sins, it also guides us to (     ) so that we could trust in the (   ), not in the (   ). (v20-21)

Jesus Christ, grace, law.

CH 6: Dead to sin, Alive to Righteousness

Q1. Why should we not stay in sinning?

We have died to sin.

Died to sin = no desire for sin or satisfaction from it. Even no meaning of being judged.

Q2. What is the meaning of the baptism? (two, v3-4)

Died with Jesus

and be raised with Him.

Q3. Why did Jesus need to die in the flesh? (v6-7)

So that the body of sin would no longer dominate us. What he does and what he owns when we unite with Jesus Christ is all ours. This is the way to create new things. If the first creation is the creation of the body, the second creation starts with the spirit.

What Jesus has done and what He possesses have become ours when we are in Jesus and united with Him.

This is the way of new creation. The first creation was through flesh, but the second creation was through the Spirit.

Q4. How do you know that you will live after death? (v5, v8-10)

Because Jesus is risen and we are united with Him.

How to be united with Jesus? in likeness of His death, death to sin, and His living to God. that’s the life of confessing to Christ and the Union. If you live such a life, you will be sure of resurrection in us.

Q5. A right faith is based on right understanding of the truth. Search for expressions like “know” or “consider” (in verses 1-11)

V3, v6, v9, v11

Q6. Salvation comes through the unity with Christ. Find expressions that emphasizes the unity with Christ. (like, ‘with him, or ‘likeness’) (in verses 1-11)

V4, v5, v6, v8

Q7. If you believe the salvation in Jesus Christ, what is your proper mindset?

Give thanks to God

Regard yourself dead to sin, but alive to God in Jesus.

Q8. The reason why we keep sinning is because we obey (). In order not to do that, we must not forget that we are not under the (), but under the (). Because of that, the () that kills us using the () cannot claim us. Therefore, it is up to our choice not to sin. We must not give our body to () as an instruments for unrighteousness, but to () as a weapon of righteousness. (12-14)

When we use our bodies for the desires of our bodies, our sins claim us. Being under the law puts us in a state of lack of freedom in either case, whether we are obligated by the law or liable for our sins.

Q9. Why shouldn’t we sin? (16, 20-22)

When we sin, we become slaves of sin. And sin leads us to death.

To obey sin: To submit habitually to the desire for sin. We sometimes make mistakes and commit sins, but we must constantly fight our sinful desires. If you volunteer to give yourself up to the desire for sin, it’s denying Jesus Christ.

Q10. How did we become free from sin? (v17-18)

Through obedience (to Jesus) in our hearts. Because of this, Christian’s life will have struggle in their hearts: fighting between the heart to love God and the desire to love the world.

Q11. Why do we need to present our life for God? (v18, 19, 22)

We are enslaved to righteousness. And to God.

Note that the Bible doesn’t say we are enslaved to obedience or commands, but to righteousness, the righteousness of God. Two implications are possible.

Righteousness means ‘a rightful relationship with God.’ We are to live a reconciled life with God. And by doing so, we will have holiness and eternal life that come from God.

God’s righteousness is revealed in His way of salvation, forgiveness of sins through His Son’s blood. Being a slave to the righteousness = admitting our sinfulness, asking forgiveness in Jesus’ blood, and living for His righteousness to be revealed to the world. Living as a slave to the righteousness = living out your confession of faith.

Q12. The (    ) of sin is death, but the (   ) of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Payoff, gift.

Note that it is a gift, not a reward. Death is a natural consequence of our sins, but eternal life is God’s grace in Christ. You don’t give eternal life as a master of faith.

CH 7: Struggle of Believer Living in Flesh

Q1. When a married woman could marry to another man?

After her husband dies.

You cannot be free from the law until you die against your flesh body in Christ.

Q2. Here are what God planned through the crucifixion of Jesus, the death of flesh. 1) We also died to the () through Jesus’ body and we are released from the (). 2) We can joined to another man () and enjoy the new life of (). 3) So that we could bear fruit to (), which the law could not do. The law gives a chance for our () bear fruit for death.
Q3. How many times does the author emphasize that we have we been released from the law? How were we released from the law?

V3, v4, v6.

By joining to Jesus’ death in his body of flesh -> regarding our body died with Jesus. The punishment of the law is for the body, and the punishment for dead bodies is not enforced.

Q4. What is the purpose of your liberation from the law? (v4,6)

To be able to join to another man, Jesus. To be led by the Spirit. So that we could bear fruit to God.

Q5. How do we recognize the existence of sin in our heart?

Through the law. Without the law, we cannot know that sin is in our hearts.

As we find desires against the law, we recognize our sinfulness.

Q6. What are two works of the sin through the commandments? (v8, v11) How does this understanding explain the story of the Tree of Good and Evil?

It produces all kinds of wrong desires.

It deceives us to follow the desire, which leads us to death. (guilt, broken relationship, death)

Satan deceived Eve to think eating of the fruit would be a good idea and triggered her desire to eat.

Q7. Why is the sin so bad? (v10, 11, 13)

The law was supposed to bring life. But sin made it bring death. HOW?

Sin deceived us to disobey the law. Therefore sin is really bad.

Q8. Why are non-Christians not able to stop sinning? (v14)

They are slaves to sin.

Q9. How many times does Paul repeat “the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the evil that I do not want” or similar statement? What is his point?

V15, 16, 18, 19, 20

Emphasizing the fact that there are forces within us to do evil. We can see that in order not to sin, we have to fight against the evil force.

Q10. How could Christians who is willing to follow God sin? (v22-23)

The power of sin captivates us and makes us sin.

This statement tells that we are not able to follow God’s commandment unless the Holy Spirit empowers us.

Q11. “Thanks be to God through () our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my (), but with my () I serve the law of sin.” This verse is conclusion of verses 7-24. It is a life of Christians: we [] every day in our spiritual battle with the flesh, but live out in [] of final victory in Jesus Christ. Our lives are full of real anguish and real hopefulness. “Any suggestion of a complacent acceptance on the part of the Christian of his continued sinfulness would be quite perverse.” (Cranfield) (hint: hope, despair for [ ] )

CH 8: The Hope of Final Victory by the Spirit

Q1. There is no () for those who are in (). For the law of () in () has set you free from the law of ().
Q2. How can we fulfill the righteous requirement of the law? (v4)

By following the Spirit.

The righteous requirement of the law = submitting to God’s will and obey Him. The flesh cannot do this (v7)

Q3. Why do we need to live according to the Spirit? (v6-7)

If we follow the flesh, death will come. Why? The flesh cannot obey God and have righteous relationship with God, the source of life. And thus death will come to us.

Q4. How can we have life? (v9-11)

The spirit of the One who saved Christ Jesus is in us

Q5. We need to live according to the Spirit, not to the flesh. Verses 13-17 explain how. Answer 1) how the Spirit helps us not to follow the flesh, 2) what motivates us to follow the Spirit, and 3) what is the hope in following the Spirit so that we can persevere. (v13, v14-16, v17)

How to do so (v13):By the Spirit, we put to death the deeds of the body (note, Paul says here ‘body’ not ‘flesh’)

Motivation: Not in fear or slavery (v14-16): because the Spirit of Son drives us to follow God, we serve God as His children.

Hope: How to endure (v17): If we hope for glorification with Jesus, we can endure it.

Q6. What is our ultimate hope that we are waiting for amid suffering? At that moment, all creation will be restored. (v18-25)

The redemption of our bodies. Our sinful bodies wear the divine bodies of heaven

Q7. For the consummation of our salvation, what does the Spirit do? (v26-27)

He intercedes for us

Q8. How can we be sure about the completion of our salvation? (v28-30)

God will accomplish it.

Q9. Connect the following appropriately

Q10. How can we have complete victory despite all troubles? (v37)

Through Jesus Christ who loves us.

CH 9: Israel’s Failure

Q1. How much did Paul want his fellow Israelites to believe in Jesus?

He wanted to be cut off from salvation if it could save them.

Q2. (The issue of God’s faithfulness regarding Israel’s failure). Israel was privileged as God’s chosen people. (v4-5) However not all of them believed Jesus. It seemed that God’s words have failed. But it is not so. What are the three Old Testament verses that Paul quotes to support the claim that not all descendants of Israel were truly Israel? (v7 ~ 13)

V7: through Isaac only, not Ishmael. Though Ishmael also was Abraham’s son, God wanted Isaac to be his descendant for the sake of covenant

V9: through promise, Isaac was given. God confirmed Isaac.

V12-13: From Isaac’s sons, God chose Jacob. The bible shows that God keep choosing one from others to be his chosen people.

After Israel (Jacob), God chose Judah to be the ancestor of Jesus. Therefore, not all Israel would be the Israel as the heir of Abraham’s covenant.

Q3. (Favoritism of God?) What is Paul’s answer to the question, ‘Is there injustice with God?’ (don’t just say ‘no.’ v14-18)

Showing mercy = God’s sovereignty. Mercy is not a matter of justice. No one will blame you of favoritism when you help one homeless guy out of 100 homeless people in the town.

Q4. (Regarding human accusation against God’s providence in our salvation) As God shows mercy someone and hardens another’s heart, you would question, ‘why does God still find fault from those whose hearts God has hardened?’ What is Paul’s answer for this? (v20-22)

He is the Creator and we are creature. He has full right to do whatever he wants to do to us.

Q5. However, the answer for the previous question might not satisfactory for some of us. The passage of v25 – 29 explain God’s radical intervention into the issue of salvation of each individual. Can you tell God’s interventions that happened in two opposite directions? (v25-26 vs v27-29)

Salvation of the Gentiles (v25-26) <-> Destruction of the chosen people (v27-29)

Q6. What was the cause of Israel’s failure? (v32)

They fell on the stumbling stone, Jesus.

CH 10: Israel’s Failure = Rejection of God’s Righteousness

Q1. Though the Israelites were jealous for God, they failed to get salvation. Why? (v1-4)

Their zeal was not in line with truth

They sought own righteousness and ignored God’s righteousness

They rejected Jesus what the law pointed to

Q2. When God gave them the law, it was to keep right relationship with God. That’s why Moses said, ()(v5) However, people started to think that God’s commandments are too remote to get and to difficult to obey enough to be saved. They said, () or () (v6-7). But, the Bible says, () (v8) But, we should not think that following our conscience is our righteousness before God as other religions do. We are given the Holy Spirit into our heart so that we know and obey God’s will. This is what () did for us.

He who does righteousness by the law will live by it. (If you trust God and follow the law you gave him, God will be responsible for everything. Even the issue after death. This is the belief in God, who gave the law.)

The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. (It is God’s will to keep the law known to you, the law you read and memorize day and night, instead of seeking the truth beyond death for eternity.)

Q3. What does the righteousness by faith claim? (In other words, how do you get salvation, righteous relationship with God, by faith?) (v9-13)

With the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation.

Righteousness = right standing before God. God accepts you if you believe Jesus in your heart.

Confession of the mouth: a minimal deed that shows your faith. Though, it is a decisive action.

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, (not be put to shame)

Q4. To keep the commands of God, they thought they needed to get them, whether they were found from heaven or abyss. (v6-7) But, the righteousness by faith claims the salvation through believing Jesus. What should be done for someone to believe? (v14-17)

The gospel should be heard by evangelists.

Q5. Why did Israel reject the message of the good news? (v18-21)

Their disobedience and stubborn heart.

CH 11: Israel’s Rejection Not Complete nor Final

Q1. What are the two examples Paul used to claim God hasn’t rejected his people completely? (v1-4)

Paul himself & 7,000 people in the days of Elijah

Q2. By what basis did God choose the remnant? (FYI, the remnant are those who kept faithful to God despite of apostasy of the majority Israelites.)

By grace. “grace” was used four times in v5-6.

Q3. What was the purpose of the hardening of the Israelites? How will God make them return to God? (v11-12)

To save the Gentiles.

Israel returns to God due to jealousy of God’s grace to the Gentiles.

Q4. Cultivated (or good) olive tree refers to the Israelites. Wild olive tree refers to the Gentiles. What are God’s kindness and harshness that Paul explained in v17 ~ 24?

God’s harshness: God cut off some branches for their unbelief.

God’s kindness: God grafted the wild olive branch into good olive tree.

When you don’t hold faith, you will experience God’s harshness, and if you hold on to faith, you will experience God’s kindness.

Q5. What is the warning to the Gentile believers? (v18-20)

Do not boast over the unbelieving Israelites. Do not be arrogant saying, “I am a good believer.” Showing mercy to the weak.

Q6. What is the hope for the unbelieving Israelites? (v23-24)

If they return to God, they will be much more grafted again to their own olive tree.

Q7. When will they remain hardened? (v27)

Until the number of the Gentiles reaches full.

Q8. Why did God harden their hearts? (v30-32)

To save sinner through God’s mercy.

To save the Gentiles by mercy through the disobedience of His people. Since the salvation had been offered through mercy to the disobedient Gentiles, His people would be saved by mercy now.

To reveal their sins, the Jews and the Gentiles alike. So that they would come to the Lord and seek His mercy.

Q9. 33-36 is a tribute to God’s salvation providence. Paul quotes OT passages (34-35) and adds his own confession (33,36). There are two attributes/characteristics of God’s providence beyond our understanding. What are they? (33-34, 35-36)

Verse 35-36 talks about riches of His resources. Riches of His ability, especially His compassion, is praised. God who creates everything and gives everything to us abundantly.

Verse 33-34 speaks to God’s wisdom. God’s providence in saving all mankind by grace through Israel’s failure is mysterious.

CH 12: Living Sacrifice & Conduct in Humility and Love

Q1. What is to bring our body as ‘a sacrifice that is alive, holy, and pleasing to God’? (two things. v2)

Not be conforming to this present world

Being transformed by the renewing of mind: knowing God will is good by following it.

(By obeying God’s will in life, you should experience how good and perfect it is. These lives are alive, but they become living sacrifices that die every day.)

Q2. What fact would help us not to have a haughty mindset? (two, v4-5, v6-8)

We are one body. No reason to boast or to seek praise.

Each one was given different talents.

Q3. Why do people not want to associate with the lowly, in their viewpoint?

Proud and haughty heart

Q4. How to overcome evil with good?

Entrusting your vengeance to God.

Providing needs for them, which would make them feel shameful and cause God’s severe punishment if they keep hostile to you.

CH 13: Submit to the Authority & Love & Conduct of Daytime

Q1. Find three verses that state that the governing authorities are God’s servants. What do they do as God’s servants?


For your wellbeing. Administering punishment on wrong doers. Governing.

Q2. What do we need to do God’s servants, the authorities? (v1, v7)

Submit to the authority.

Pay tax

Q3. Owe no one anything, except to (       ), for the one who (   ) his neighbor has fulfilled (   ). Fill the blanks.

Love one another, loves, the law

Q4. The night has advanced toward dawn; the day is near. So then we must lay aside the works of (    ), and put on the weapons of (   ).



Q5. What are the works of darkness? Why is it called ‘of darkness’ instead of ‘of evil’?

Anything that you feel guilty of doing it = works of darkness.

Your conscience should be enlightened by His word and guided by the Holy Spirit.

No matter what you do, if it brings you a guilty conscience, it’s something you want to hide and it’s a dark matter. The least we can do is follow the voice of conscience. But it’s not enough. Our conscience must be reborn under the light of the Holy Spirit and the Word.

Q6. To stop those deeds of darkness, act as if you were doing in the () when the sun shines, and do not pursue pleasure, obscenity, and jealousy. Act with the heart and thoughts of () and do not let lust and desire rise by satisfying (). Don’t do something that your body wants, then you would not control the flame of desires of the (). (v13-14)

CH 14: Mutual Forbearance

Q1. Why should we accept others with different viewpoints of faith without judging them? (three, v1-4, v5-8, v10-12)

We all are God’s servants. God will judge us individually.

For each person, according to own conviction, eating or not-eating could be for the Lord. You cannot judge others with your own conviction on a certain act.

We are not a judge. We all will stand before the Lord’s judgment.

Q2. Why do we need to be careful not to place an obstacle before our brother or sister? (three, v14-15)

Nothing is unclean itself. But it is unclean to the one who considers it unclean. What you are doing itself is not sin. But it could be a sin if someone who think it to be a sin follows what you do. Sin = a matter of violating God’s voice in your heart,

You are not walking in love if you carelessly behave before someone who think it a sin.

You are destroying a soul for whom Jesus died. You are offending Jesus.

Q3. “The kingdom of God does not consist of food and drink (rules and policies), but (     ), (    ), and (   ) in the Holy Spirit.”

Righteousness, Peace, Joy

Q4. The Bible says, all foods are clean before the Lord. But when does your eating become sinning? In other words, more relevant, we are freed from the condemnation of the law. But when does your deed become a sin? (v20, v23)

If you cause anyone to stumble by your deeds which is not sinful to you but sinful to that person.

If you do a certain act even though you think it is not God’s will, which is not by faith, not by God’s glory, not by Christ’s heart.

CH 15: Mutual Acceptance & Paul’s Plan of Visiting Rome

Q1. Exhortation: The () should take the burden of the (), please him, and () him up. Reason: Jesus showed us an example by bearing the () for the sake of us. Result: As we () in doing this, we will experience God’s () and achieve () among us so that we could glorify () and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Hint: weak, insults, strong, comfort, build, unity, God)
Q2. (reason of acceptance) Paul charges us to accept one another to the degree of being a servant. And this will glorify God. Jesus showed an example to us. What did Jesus do? (v7 – 9)

Jesus accepted the Gentiles to die for them.

Jesus became a servant of the circumcised that He fulfilled God’s promise given to the Jews and salvation of the nations through them. Israel’s depravity puts the Abrahamic covenant on the verge of failure, but at the expense of Jesus Christ, the covenant is achieved more reliably. So you have completed it as a servant of the circumcision system.

Q3. (goal) By mutual acceptance, they will glorify God for (    ). (Choose from salvation, justice, mercy, and power).


Q4. (source of hope) From where can we get encouragement to accept each other? (v13)

God of hope, Hope by the Holy Spirit.

Joy and peace

Q5. (Paul’s motivation for writing the letter) What is his goal for writing the letter? (v15-16)

To make them an acceptable offering, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

Q6. (Paul’s plan on his trip) Paul was going to Jerusalem. What was his task there? (v25 ~ 29)

To minister the saints (brothers and sisters in the Lord). In specific, he will deliver the collected fund from the Gentile churches for the Jerusalem church in famine.

Q7. What are two or three of Paul’s prayer titles on the way to Jerusalem?

I’ll take it from the hostile the Jews

Jerusalem Church Grateful for Relief Contributions from Gentiles Church

So that Paul can visit Rome with joy.

CH 16: Personal Greetings

Q1. Write proper person’s name for each statement of Paul.

His mother is also a mother to me ()

Fellow prisoner in Christ ()

They risked their life for me ()

The carrier of this letter ()

The host to Paul ()

laborers in the Lord ()

the first convert in Asia ()

Q2. How many house churches are mentioned here?

More than 6. V5, v10, 11, v14, 15, 23

Q3. What are the characteristics of the false teachings? (two. v18-19)

Smooth talks and flattery


Q4. What is the ultimate goal of this preaching of the gospel in this letter? (two, v26, v27)

Obedience of faith

Glory to God