The questions are based on the NET Bible.
CH 1: Greeting & Timothy’s Task in Ephesus
Q1. “From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the () of God our () and of Christ Jesus our (), to Timothy, my genuine () in the faith. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord!”
Q2. What was Timothy’s task in Ephesus? (v3-7)
To instruct certain people no to spread false teachings, not to occupy themselves with myths and interminable genealogies.
Q3. What would the purpose of the law according to verses 8-11?
To tell us our sins.
If we use the law something we need to keep as written regulations, it is not proper use of the law. As the law points out our sinfulness, we need to turn to the Lord Jesus and follow His ways.
Q4. Paul also was a prosecutor and a blasphemer, i.e. false teacher. As he traveled to Damascus to arrest the believers, the Lord Jesus appeared to him and made him a minister of the gospel. Therefore, it was by () of the Lord. Knowing the meaning of the message, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save (),” is essential to understand the gospel. From Paul’s example, we can say that anyone, even the worst sinner, who believes in Jesus will have ().
Grace, sinners, eternal life
Q5. What would be the good fight that Paul mentioned in verse 18?
To stand firm in faith and a good conscience to preserve the gospel from false teachings.
CH 2: Men: Prayer for all & Women: be quite at church
Q1. What is the reason for prayer for all people? (v1-4)
God wants all people to be saved.
Even for kings that we may have peaceful life in all godliness.
Q2. What would disrupt praying for all? (v8)
Anger and dispute in church
Q3. What is proper clothing for women? (v9-10)
Good deeds in reverence of God.
Q4. Why does Paul say that women are not proper for the teaching leadership of the church? (v13-14)
The woman was deceived
CH 3: Qualifications for Leaders in God’s Church
Q1. To be leadership for a church, he should be a good father and a good husband. Why?
If he doesn’t know how to manage his house, he cannot care for the church of God
Q2. Why should we not elect a recent convert as elder or deacon?
He might become arrogant and fall into the punishment.
Q3. Why is it so important to elect proper leadership for the church? (v14-15)
Because the church is the household of living God and the support and bulwark of the truth.
This tells (1) the nature of the church: divine & family & living and (2) the mission of the church: to keep and reveal the truth.
Q4. The church is to proclaim the gospel through their lives for He was revealed in () and to be led by (). We need to make all nations Jesus’ disciples because He was proclaimed to () and believed in (). In this way, church reveals Christ to the world and thus glorifies () who has sent the Son.
CH 4: Timothy’s ministry in the later times
Q1. In the later times, there will come false teachings. Three kinds of characteristics of such false teachings? (v1-2)
Deserting faith, being occupied with deceiving spirits, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars.
Q2. What are three instructions to Timothy in dealing with such false teachings? (v6-8)
Point out those false teachings, Reject those myths, Train yourself for godliness
Q3. What benefit does the training of godliness have? (v8)
It helps us hold the promise of life
Q4. “Let no one look down on you because you are (), but set an example for the believers. Until I come, focus on public reading of the Bible, exhorting, and (). Do not neglect () you have. Take () with these things, so that everyone will see your progress”
CH 5: Instructions about Specific Groups
Q1. You should treat other believers as if you treat your () (v1-2)
Q2. What are the three qualifications for a widow to get help from the church? (v4, v5, v9-11)
She had no children or grandchildren who can support her
She had set her hope on God with prayers and devote her life for good works
She should be younger than sixty years.
Q3. What is Paul’s instruction for younger widow? (v14)
Marry, raise children, and manage a household, not to give a chance to Satan.
Q4. What are three instructions regarding Elders and ministers? (v17-18, v19-21, v22-25)
Honor the ministers of His words. The worker deserves his pay.
Be cautious in accepting an accusation against an elder and a pastor
Do not anoint anyone hastily. Wait. His sin or good work will become clear soon or later.
CH 6: Summary of Timothy’s Duties
Q1. Why do you need to serve your boss with full respect? (v1-2, ref: 5:4)
Because of God. For His reputation. To please God.
Brotherly relationship in Christ dictates more loving respect than master-servant relationship in the world does.
Q2. Paul asks Timothy to teach them about false teachers. What are the two motives of false teachings and useless disputes? (v4, v5)
Pride and arrogant attitude.
Trying to make a profit through godliness
Q3. Why do we need to learn contentment to make our godliness pure and perfect? (v9-10)
For the love of money is the root of ALL evils
Q4. This is the personal command given to Timothy. “As a person dedicated to (), 1) Keep away from useless disputes and seeking money. 2) Instead () righteousness, (), faithfulness, (), endurance, and (). 3) () well for the faith. 4) Lay hold of the ().
Q5. In verses 13-16, Paul emphasizes the gravity and seriousness of the command in verses 11 – 12. This command was given by God who has full authority over our () and death. We should learn from Jesus’ decisive confession before the authority of this world. According to John 19:11, Jesus said to (), “You would have no authority over me at all, unless It was given to you from above.” In this way, Jesus submitted to God the Father. And, even the time of Jesus’ () is in God’s hands. God alone is () and possess ().
Q6. What are two messages for the rich? (v17, v18-19)
Don’t be haughty and set hope on riches, but on God who provides all.
Be rich in good works so that build up a firm foundation for the eternal future.