The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1: Greeting & Timothy’s Task in Ephesus Q1. “From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by…
The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1: Greeting & Encouragement in Persecution Q1. Paul gives thanks to God that the (answer) of…
The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1: Thanksgiving for Response to the Gospel Q1. What was Paul’s reason for thanks? (v2-4) Because…
The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1: Supremacy of Christ and the Goal of Ministry Q1. “We always give thanks to God…
The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1: The Apostle of the Gospel & God’s Wrath upon Unrighteousness Q1. The gospel is about…
The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1. Introduction and Prayer of thanksgiving Q1. The letter’s greeting (v1-2) can be divided into three…
The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1: Jesus, as a king, came to save us, as promised Q1. Jesus is the son…
CH 1: 말씀하신 대로 그 백성을 구하러 오신 왕 예수 Q1. 예수 그리스도는 ( ) 과 ( ) 의 자손입니다. 아브라함, 다윗 Q2. 마태는 왜…
CH 1. 도입부 & 감사기도 Q1. 편지의 인사말 (v1-2)은 세 부분으로 나눌 수 있습니다: 발신자, 수신자, 그리고 인사말. 이 세 부분에서 공통적으로 발견되는 표현은 무엇인가요?…
The questions are based on the NET Bible. CH 1: Jesus’ Ascension Q1. What did Jesus do after His resurrection? (three things. v3-5) – present…