The questions are based on the NET Bible.
CH 1: Supremacy of Christ and the Goal of Ministry
Q1. “We always give thanks to God in our prayer for you since we have heard about your () in Christ Jesus and () for all the saints, which have arisen from the () laid up for you in heaven. I can say this because the () proclaimed to you has been bearing () and () among you since you understood the () of God in truth.”
Q2. Who evangelize the church in Colossae?
Q3. Paul prayed for the church in Colossae that they would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom. What is God’s will? (find one summary sentence from v10-12)
To live worthily of the Lord and please him in all respects
Q4. “He (the light) delivered us from the power of () and transferred us to the kingdom of the () he loves, in whom we have (), the forgiveness of sins.”
Q5. Summarize the supremacy of Christ in three parts. (hint: supremacy in creation (v15-17), in salvation (v18,20), and overall(15, 19))
Supremacy in creation: All things were created in him, through him, and for him.
Supremacy in salvation: He is the head of the church, the firstborn from the dead (beginning of salvation). All things will be reconciled to God through him.
Supremacy in overall: God was pleased to have his fullness dwell in the Son
Q6. How did Christ reconcile us to God while we were enemies of God from our hearts?
Through the death of his physical body
Q7. How can we become holy and blameless before God?
We need to remain in faith, established and firm, without shifting from the hope of the gospel
Q8. Paul rejoiced in the () for the church while he, as a () of the church, made known to the church the () of Christ that even the () could have hope of glory in Christ.
CH 2: Warning against False Philosophies
Q1. What was Paul’s goal for them that he struggled? (v1-2)
They would be encouraged to pursue to get the full riches of confident knowledge of Christ.
Or simply the knowledge of Christ
Q2. Why does Paul want them to grow more in the knowledge of Christ? (v3)
All wisdoms and knowledge are hidden in Chv16-rist. Knowing Christ means knowing all knowledge.
Q3. What would be the situation of them that Paul struggled for them to know Jesus? (v1, 4, 8)
The church didn’t have a chance to hear from Paul. Paul worried they might be deceived by false teaching of seeking worldly philosophy and human traditions.
Q4. How to grow in the knowledge of Jesus? (v6-7)
Continue to live in him. Rooted and built in him and firm in faith. Overflowing thanksgiving.
Actively seek to live in Jesus. We are like a tree planted in Jesus and to grow in him. Thanksgiving will rejuvenate your soul.
Q5. Verses 9 – 15 explain why we need to grow in the knowledge of Jesus. Summarize in three parts (v9-10, v11-13, v14-15)
In Christ exists God’s divine nature in full measure. And we will become complete (and fully satisfied) in Him.
We are circumcised by Christ. Getting away with our flesh and dying with Christ in baptism and living again in Him.
He get rid of the certificate of our debt of sin through the cross and disarmed the authorities and disgraced them in cross
Q6. What are the results when we don’t hold tight of Jesus, our head? (three, v16-17, 18, 19)
They respect the rules of food, feasts, or rituals which are shadows. -> judge others
Delights in false humility (=unsparing treatment of body) and worship of angels ->judge others
Not growing
Q7. The reality that we worship is ( ). If not, the reality of all our religious deeds is ( ). (v17, 23)
Christ, fleshly indulgence
Because we died with Christ to the world and flesh, anything we do not in Christ is satisfying our flesh.
CH 3: Seek the Things above, Unity and Love
Q1. We have been raised with (). However, we might not feel it so clearly because our life is () with Christ in God. When Christ becomes visible to us, our lives also will be () so that we will clearly experience resurrected life. Therefore, we need to seek the things () where Jesus is.
Q2. What is to seek things above? (two, v5-7, v8-10)
Put to death whatever in your nature belong to the earth. Doing those things is idolatry
Do not say words of denying your and other’s new identity as a new man in Christ. (you have put off old man and been clothed with the new man of knowledge of Christ)
Q3. Therefore, it is no need of distinction between the Jew or the Gentile, or anything that belongs to our flesh. In our life, Christ is ( ) and in ( ).
All, all.
Q4. Verses 12-17 exhortation is given for unity and love in the body of Christ. Find expressions that show this purpose (four verses)
Forgiving one another
Add love, which is perfect bond
Called as one body into this peace
Exhorting one another
Q5. How can you summarize verses 3:18 – 4:1 in one sentence?
Whatever you do, remember the Lord. Live for Him.
CH 4: Prayer Request & Closing
Q1. What is Paul’s prayer request?
God may open a door for the message
Q2. Who are carrying the letter? What is the purpose of sending them?
Tychitus and Onesimus.
They will tell the Colossian church about how Paul and his companions are doing in Rome, in house custody, so that they could encourage them.
Q3. Who were the three Jewish converts in v10-11?
Aristarchus, Mark, Jesus
Q4. Who is his/her name?
(): Paul’s fellow prisoner
(): host of a house church in Laodicea
(): a cousin of Barnabas
(): also called Justus
(): Physician
(): fervent praying for the Colossian church
(): minister of the Colossian church4. Connect properly
Q5. “I, Paul, write this greeting by my ( ). Remember my ( ). ( ) be with you.”
Own hand, chains, grace