The questions are based on the NET Bible.
CHS 1 ~ 5 Introduction
CH 1: Israel’s condition and God’s solution for them
Q1. Who were the kings of Judah when Isaiah worked as a prophet?
Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah
Q2. What did the Israelites do wrong? (two. v2-4, v5-6)
They didn’t recognize their supporter and have abandoned Him.
Even in God’s punishment, they didn’t repent and insisted on being battered.
Q3. They were battered again and again so that from ( ) of their feet to their ( ), there was no spot that was unharmed. All towns of Judah were destroyed and houses were burnt down except [ ]. Despite their stubborn sinfulness, the Lord still left a few survivors by His [ ].
the soles, head, Jerusalem (Zion), grace.
Q4. What city would the Lord mean by ‘Sodom’ and ‘Gomorrah’?
Q5. Why was the Lord not happy about their sacrifices and not listen to their prayers? (v13-17)
Their sacrifices were sin-stained, and their hands were covered with blood.
Sacrifices were from their wealth accumulated by sinning and oppressing the poor.
Q6. This is the Lord’s proposal to Israel, a sinful nation. “Though your sins have stained you like ( ), you can become ( ) like snow. If have ( ) and obey, then you will again eat ( ) of the land. But if you refuse and ( ), you will be devoured by ( ).”
the color red, white, a willing attitude, the good crops, rebel, the sword.
Q7. The Lord said His punishment on Israel is a vengeance against His enemies. And the Lord’s enemies were corrupt leaders and rebellious sinners. What is the purpose of the Lord’s vengeance? (v25-26)
Purification of Zion (His people)
Q8. The purification comes by removal of rebellious sinners and repentance of ignorant sinners. Here is how the repentance come through the punishment. Like they were ( ) when a leafy tree that they had worshipped withered, they will be ( ) when the power of Assyria and Egypt that they are relying on will be known helpless before Babylon. Then, they will come to their mind and return to the Lord.
Embarrassed, ashamed.
CH 2: God’s discipline of Israel : the Lord’s Day of Judgment
Q1. Verses 1-5 tell what kind of role the Lord wants Jerusalem to do. What is the role? (v3-4)
Teach all nations the instructions of the Lord and to judge them in the Lord’s ways so that they would have peace.
Q2. Why did Judah and Jerusalem fail on that? (v5)
They didn’t walk in the Lord’s guiding light.
Q3. Verses 6-9 tell Israel’s spiritual status when the Lord had abandoned them to the sin of ( ). And verses 12-16 list all the objects of their ( ). Verses 11 and 17 alludes that the prime reason of ( ) is arrogant heart. (the same word for three blanks)
Q4. What would the people’s response when the Lord’s judgement comes? (two. v19, v20)
They will try to hide from the Lord’s judgement. (this is what Adam did)
They will throw gold and silver idols. Q5. ‘Stop trusting in ( ), whose life’s breath is in their ( ).’
Human beings, nostrils.
CH 3: God’s discipline for Israel: Coming Leadership crisis & Washing away impurity
Q1. “Look the ( ) Lord of Heaven’s Armies is about to remove from Jerusalem and Judah every source of ( ), including all the food and ( ), the mighty men and warriors, judges and ( ), omen readers and ( ).”
Sovereign, security, water, prophets, leaders
Q2. By removing every source of security, the Lord will bring chaotic status in Judah. What is the intended consequence of doing so? (v8-9, v13-14)
To make their sins exposed
To bring the Lord’s judgment
Q3. The Lord says, “The women of Zion are ( ), they walk with their ( ) high and flirt with their ( ). At that time, the Lord will afflict their foreheads with ( ) and remove their beautiful adornments. ( ) will replace the smell of spices, a rope will replace ( ). ( ) will replace a fine robe.”
Proud, heads, eyes, skin diseases, a putrid stench, a belt, a sackcloth garment.
CH 4: God’s determination for Israel: Branch of the Lord (lit. the corps by the Lord)
Q1. What will the Lord do when He restores Zion? (three, v2-3, v4, v5-6)
The Lord will give food to the remnants in Jerusalem. “all in Jerusalem who are destined to live”
He will wash the excrement and the bloodstains. (Is this a part of judgment?)
The Lord will make Mount Zion as His permanent residence. People get protection from there.
CH 5: Analogy of Wild Grapes
Q1. Verses 1-7 is the Song of Vineyard. The vineyard represents ( ) and the owner is ( ). He did everything for the vineyard and waited for ( ) grapes but got ( ) instead. He waited for justice, but look what he got – ( ). He waited for ( ), but look what he got – cries for help! (there is wordplay: He waited for משׁפּט but got משׂפח. He waited for צדקה but got צעקה.)
Israel, the Lord God, edible, sour ones, disobedience, fairness.
Q2. Verses 8-10. Caution to those who seek wealth. How does the Lord bring disasters for those who accumulate wealth without limit?
No produce from their field.
Q3. Verses 11-17. Warning to those who seek worldly pleasure. Why will you be in trouble when you indulge in worldly pleasure? (hint: not understanding. V12-13)
You would not recognize what the Lord is doing.
No interest in God’s kingdom and the time of His judgment.
Q4. What would cause you fall in worldly pleasure? (v15-16)
Arrogant heart through not knowing God’s authority
Q5. Verses 18-25. Warning to those who boast evil and reject the law of God. While they kept sinning one after another, they provoked God to show His judgment (v ). They thought they were ( ) so that they called evil ( ) and good ( ). They were drunken with various pleasures and pronounced the guilty ( ) for a bribe. All these behaviors show that they have spurned ( ) of the Lord.
Verse 19, wise, good, evil, innocent, the law (commands)
Q6. When the Lord brings judgment on Judah, He will send a nation, Babylon, from north (v ). They are so fast (v ), restless (v ), and ferocious like beasts (v ). Their weapons are lethal (v ). It will the day of complete darkness all over the land.
Verse 26, 26, 27, 29, 28.
CHS 6 Isaiah’s Vision of God
CH 6: The Prophet’s cleansing & commission
Q1. What did Seraphs do with six wings?
Two wings to cover their faces, two to cover their feet, and two to fly.
Q2. What was the word of Seraphs while they flew?
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! His majestic splendor fills the entire earth.
Q3. How was Isaiah’s sin forgiven?
A seraph took a hot coal from the Lord’s altar and let it touch Isaiah’s lips.
Q4. Isaiah volunteered to go on the Lord’s behalf. However, the commission given to Isaiah was a bit weird. He needed to proclaim this, “Listen continually, but ( ). Look continually, but ( ).” God asked Isaiah to make their ( ) calloused so that they would not understand and be saved.
don’t understand, don’t perceive, hearts
Q5. Until when the Lord will leave their hearts hardened? (v11-13)
Until the land is ruined and devastated. Until the Lord purges of their idolatry.
CHS 7 ~ 12 A faithful king is needed
CH 7: Ahaz’s lack of faith & Reversal of Assyria
Q1. What was the national crisis in Ahaz’s reign? (v1)
Syria and Northern Israel invaded Judah
Q2. During 740-732 BC., as the Assyrian Empire expanded westward, Syria and Israel sought to compel Judah and the other nearby states to form an anti-Assyrian alliance. Judah refused, leading Syria and Israel to attack Jerusalem. What was the message of God to Ahaz? (four, v4, v5-7, v8, v9)
Don’t be intimidated by these two stubs of smoking logs
They want to remove you and setup a puppet king, but it won’t work
Ephraim (northern Israel) won’t exist in 65 years.
Stand firm in faith. Unless, you won’t be secure.
Q3. However, Ahaz seemed not believed the Lord’s message and worried. Therefore, the Lord offered to provide a sign that would confirm God’s message. But, Ahaz refused it saying, “I don’t want to test God.” Ahaz wanted to appear to have great faith in God, but he had already decided to make an alliance with Assyria. At this, the Lord Himself gave a sign to Ahaz. He said, “This young woman will give birth to a son. You, young woman, will name him ( ).” By the child’s name, God confirmed to that God will be with them. However, ‘God-with-us’ will bring His protection and discipline at the same time. Not before too long, the land of the two kings Ahaz ( ) will be desolate. However, the king of ( ) will invade Judah, and Judah will suffer not like before.
Immanuel, fear, Assyria
Q4. Verses 18-25 explain what will happen when the Assyrians invade Judah, who they relied on. Assyria was not just a powerful and brutal enemy, but it would be a tool in Yahweh’s hand that He would use to discipline Judah. “At that time,” ( ) will bring ( ) from Egypt and ( ) from Assyria. They will stay in Judah and afflict the people. And the Lord use ( ) to humiliate the people of Judah. At that time, they will eat ( ) and honey. And the farm land will be devastated and covered with ( ) and ( ).
The Lord, flies, bees, the king of Assyria, sour milk, thorns, briers
CH 8: A Sign of Coming Judgment
Q1. What was the name of Isaiah’s son?
Maher Shalal Hash Baz
Q2. What is the sign for the coming judgment? (v4)
Before not too long, Damascus (the capital of Syria) and Samaria (the capital of Northern Israel) will be destroyed by the king of Assyria.
Q3. Why does the Lord bring the Assyrian army to destroy Judah?
They have rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah and melt in fear (or rejoiced) over Rezin and the son of Remaliah.
They had rejected God’s faithful provisions for them, symbolized by the gently flowing Shiloah stream that carried water from the Gihon spring just outside Jerusalem into the city. This water source was unimpressive, but it provided for the people of Jerusalem faithfully.
The second part of verse 6 can be translated in two ways: melt in fear or rejoiced.
For the translation as ‘melt in fear,’ the interpretation could render this way. Without trusting the Lord’s protection, they were devasted looking for solution for this national crisis.
For the translation as ‘rejoiced’: Instead they had rejoiced in the anticipated destruction of the kings of Syria and Ephraim due to Ahaz’s alliance with Assyria. – Tom Constable’s notes
Q4. Find three expressions from verses 7 – 10 that tell the invasion of the Assyrian army is the Lord’s work.
The Lord is bringing: verse 7
O Immanuel: verse 8
For God is with us: verse 10
Q5. The Lord confirmed Isaiah that the plan of the invaders including Assyria, Syria, and Northern Israel, would not succeed (v8, v10). Don’t listen to people’s talks about ( ) of human minds. You must recognize ( ) of the Lord. He is the one you must ( ) and ( ) for He is sovereign.
Conspiracy, the authority, respect, fear
Q6. For this day of judgment, the Bible says, it is the day when God is with us. He will make a residence among His people (verse 14, ‘He will become a sanctuary’). However, it is a time of exposing our sins. (verses ). We hold on His words (verse ) and wait patiently for God’s time of restoration (verse ).
Verses 14-15, 16, 17
Q7. Verses 19-22 show the people’s behavior who are in spiritual darkness. They refuse to listen to the Lord’s instructions and to wait for His time. Instead what do they do? (v19, v21)
They seek oracles from the dead for the living, which is strictly forbidden by the Lord.
They will curse God and their king as they suffer.
CH 9: Darkness turns to Light as an Ideal King arrives / God’s judgment intensifies
Q1. Verses 1-5 pictures a light of deliverance shining on the land of darkness, the land far from Jerusalem. Find the names that tell those lands.
Zebulun, Naphtali, the way of the sea, the region beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations (gentiles)
Q2. Such a restoration will come through ( ) given to them. He will be called ( ) Adviser, Mighty ( ), Everlasting ( ), and Prince of ( ). He will rule on ( ) and his dominion will lasts forever. ( ) of the Sovereign Lord will accomplish this.
a child, Wonderful, God, Father, Peace, David’s throne, The zeal
Q3. Find four places of this words, “despite all this, his anger does not subdue, and his hand is ready to strike again.” (9:8-10:4)
9:12, 9:17, 9:21, 10:4
Q4. Find related verses for following statements for their sins.
(verses ): They knew God’s decreed judgment and saw it but rebelled all the more.
(verses ): They refused to reconcile with the Lord who was angry with them.
(verses ): Their sinfulness was not because of their kings and prophets. The people themselves were corrupt.
Verses 9-10, verse 13, verses 18-21
CH 10: Punishing the king of Assyria and the Lord’s plan
Q1. Why will the Jewish leaders be judged? (v1-2)
They made unfair regulations to deprive the oppressed of justice
Q2. Assyria was the Lord’s instrument to punish the Lord’s people, Judah. Why did the Lord get angry at Assyria? (two. v7, v8-11)
They went beyond and tried to destroy Judah, which is not the Lord’s plan
They wanted to humiliate the God of Judah, which they call ‘idols’, by destroying Jerusalem.
Q3. Verses 13-19 explain why the Lord destroy Assyria. The king of Assyria said, ‘By ( ) I have accomplished this and looted the nations. It was so easy like gathering up ( ). The Lord angrily said, ‘Does ( ) exalt itself over the one who ( ) it?’ For this reason ( ) Lord of Haven’s Armies will make his ( ) go up in ( ).’
my strong hand, abandoned eggs, an ax, wields, the Sovereign, majestic glory, smoke.
Q4. The author uses ’at that time’ to indicate the days of Israel’s restoration after the Lord’s punishment. Find six occurrences of that expression from chapters 10 ~ 12.
10:20, 10:27, 11:10, 11:11, 12:1, 12:4
Q5. Verses 20-23 prophesies the repentance of those who survived the Lord’s punishment. Based on this foretold plan of God, what is His message to the people of Jerusalem? (Summarize v24, v25, and v26 in three short sentences)
Do not be afraid of Assyria. The Lord’s anger will subside soon. They will be destroyed.
Q6. Verses 28-32 describe Israelite towns as Assyrian army was descending on Jerusalem from north. And verses 33-34 tells the Lord is about to rise and attack the enemy. What incident do you think would trigger the Lord’s attack?
Their mocking on Jerusalem.
CH 11: An Ideal King & Regathering of His people
Q1. In the Book of Isaiah, people or nation is described as tree or forest. The shoot in verse 1 refers to Jesus Christ who will come as another David from Jesse’s family. These are the qualification of the ideal king. He should have ( ) to the Lord that he delights in obeying the Lord. ( ) is required to look through the appearance and discern the reality. He should have ( ) to execute plans. These abilities will be given by ( ).
absolute loyalty, extraordinary wisdom, ability, the Lord’s Spirit
Q2. Verses 6-9 describe the kingdom of peace that the ideal King reigns. What could bring such peace? (v9)
Universal submission to the Lord’s sovereignty.
Q3. At the time when the Lord’s restoration comes, Jesus would be lift high as a signal flag. What is the purpose of the flag?(v12) What will happen to the Israelites? (v13-14) What will the Lord do for them? (v15-16)
To gather the dispersed Israelites
They will be united and triumph over surrounding enemies. -> become a nation.
The Lord will make a way for them
CH 12: People’s Praise at That Time
Q1. At that time, you will say: “Look, God is my ( ) I will trust in him and not fear. Joyfully you will draw ( ) from the springs of ( ).”
Deliverer, water, deliverance
Q2. After they praise the Lord for His deliverance, what will they do? (v4-5)
They will let nations know His mighty acts and uniqueness.
CHS 13 ~ 23 Divine Judgment on the Nations
CH 13: The Lord will judge Babylon
Q1. Find verses the Lord is preparing a war. (six)
Verses 4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 19
Q2. The war is the Lord’s judgment. Four aspects about the Lord’s judgment are described here. Find related verses for 1) universality of the judgment, 2) destructive power of the Sovereign One, 3) cruelty and savage of that day, and 4) panic of men.
Universality of the judgment: 5, 7, 9, 11, 15,
Destructive power: 7, 10, 13, 20-22?
Cruelty: 15, 16, 18
Panic of them: 8, 14,
Q3. Find verses that tell about their sins.
Verses 11, 9?
Q4. The author didn’t tell what nation is going to be destroyed until verse 17. What nation is going to be destroyed by what nation?
Babylon will be destroyed by Medes
CH 14: Israel’s taunt at Babylon & the Lord’s judge on Philistines
Q1. The Lord will certainly have ( ) on Jacob; he will again choose ( ) as his special people and restore them to their land. ( ) will join them and unite with ( ) of Jacob.
compassion, Israel, Resident foreigners, the family
Q2. Verses 4 – 23 (or 27) are Israel’s taunt at Babylon. Fall of Babylon who had destroyed the nations will bring peace in the world (verses ). All ( ) of the nations in Sheol will say to the king of Babylon, ‘You too have become ( ) like us! Your ( ) has been brought down to ( ).”
Verses 5-7, the formal kings, weak, splendor, Sheol
Q3. What is the sin of Babylon? (v13-14, v17)
Self-exalting pride and arrogancy to be like God
Refusal to release prisoners. They detained the Israelites in captivity.
Q4. Why won’t the king of Babylon be buried in a tomb, like other kings? (Verses 20-21)
Because of his wickedness. He destroyed his land and killed his people.
Q5. The announce His plan to wipe out the memory of Babylon (v22-23). How many times does the Lord confirm that it is His plan? (v24-27)
Q6. Verses 29-32 is an oracle against the Philistines. They’d better not rejoice over the fall of Assyria because Babylon will come (v29-30). What would be the solution for them? (v 32)
They need to come to Zion for the Lord will make her a safe place.
Same time, this passage tells the Israelites that the Philistines could not help them.
CH 15-16: The Oracle about Moab: wailing of Moab
Q1. Chapters 15 and 16 announce Moab’s certain ruin. The two main cities, ( ) and ( ) would fall quickly. ( ) was the site of a temple to the Moabite god Chemosh. Many would go there to bewail ( ) ’s inability to save them. The residents of ( ) and ( ) in the north of Moab would be heard wailing in ( ) to the south.
Ar, Kir, Dibon, Chemosh, Heshbon, Elealeh, Jahaz
Q2. For the invasion will come from the north, the fugitives will run toward south. What are two difficulties for the fugitives or remnants in the land? (v6, 9)
No food or water
Attack by robbers or enemies that are symbolized by lion.
Q3. How many times does the author mention their cry and the Lord’s cry?
Nine times (v2, 3, 4, 5, 8)
The Lord’s heart cries (v5) for compassion on them.
Q4. The passage of 16:1-5 suggest a solution for Moabite fugitives to survive. What is it?
Come to the land of Zion (Jerusalem), there the destroyer will come to an end.
Q5. What was Moab’s sin?
Arrogance and prideful heart
Q6. What would be the reason of their pride? (v7-10)


Their abundant fruit and crops. Rich and wealth.
At the Book of Ruth, the Elimelek’s family had moved to Moab when Judah had a famine. Moab had a better land for agriculture than Canaan.
Q7. What was the reason of the Lord’s sigh when he saw Moab? (v11-12)
They prayed to their god, an idol. But it was useless.
CH 17-18: The Oracle about Damascus and Ephraim
Q1. ( ) was the capital of Syria and ( ) refers to Northern Kingdom Israel. Syria and Israel made anti-Assyria alliance, but now they will be destroyed by Assyria 732 BC and 722 BC. (v1-3)
Damascus, Ephraim
Q2. When will they stop trusting gods their hands made and turn to the Holy One of Israel? (v4-6,9)
When their cities were destroyed and there was no harvest.
Q3. What is the reason of poor harvest? (v10-11)
They ignore their Savior and protector.
Q4. When many nations come to invade Judah(?), the Lord will protect her. What verse says that?
Verse 13.
Q5. The messenger from Cush will be sent to call nations that are strong and sit by rivers, like Egypt, Assyria, or Medes, to come to the Lord’s judgment. The pruning symbolizes the judgment. They will be the Lord’s pruning instruments. What is the purpose of pruning? (v5)
Cutting unproductive shoots to help ripening fruit.
Q6. At that time, ( ) will be brought by the Gentiles to the place where ( ) has chosen to reside, on ( ). Those strong nations are the Lord’s subjects.
Tribute, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, Mount Zion
CH 19-20: The Oracle about Egypt
Q1. When Assyria swallowed up Syria and Israel, many of the Judeans began looking south to Egypt for help. Isaiah warned his countrymen against relying on Egypt. Whatever people trust in place of God eventually disappoints them. The Lord will smite Egypt in various areas so that she won’t be able to do any help (verse ). Find five places that tell the Lord will do smite Egypt.
Verse 15
Verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 14
Q2. The Lord will cause social collapse (verses ), economical collapse (verses ), and political collapse (verses ).
Verses 2-4, 5-10, 11-13
Q3. At that time, Egyptians will fear the Lord because of what He have done and will do to Judah (verses ). They will want to belong to God’s people (verse ) and set up an altar for the Lord (verse ). Their prayer for deliverance will be answered, and they will acknowledge the Lord’s authority and offer sacrifices to the Lord (verses ).
Verses 16-17, 18, 19, 20-21
At the time of Exodus, Pharaoh and Egyptians had not acknowledged the Lord’s authority.
Q4. At that time, the Lord will restore nations to Himself saying, “Blessed be my people ( ), and the work of my hands, ( ), and my special possession, ( )!”
Egypt, Assyria, Israel
Q5. How long did Isaiah walk around undergarments and barefoot?
Three years
Q6. What was the Lord’s message through that visual demonstration?
The king of Assyria will lead away the captives of Egypt and Cush in undergarment and barefoot.
Q7. What would be message to the people of Judah? (v6)
Don’t rely on Egypt. They won’t be a help. Only the Lord is the help.
CH 21: The Oracle about Babylon, Edom, and Arabia
Q1. “the wilderness by the sea” probably refers to the flat Mesopotamian plain northwest of the Persian Gulf, which the Assyrian and Babylonian empires occupied (v9). This area would become a wilderness because of God’s judgment. Who will destroy Babylon?
Elamites and Medes
Q2. Northern Kingdom Israel had fallen by Assyria at 722BC. Merodach-Baladan of Babylon visited Jerusalem in 701BC. People in Judah relied on Babylon from the Assyrian threat. And this prophecy was given before Babylon invaded Judah. Babylon, the power that they rely on, will fall. Find verses that say it will be the Lord’s power that destroys Babylon.
Verses 6, 8, 10.
Q3. The prophet warned of coming destruction for ( ) and prolonged trouble for ( ). (v11-17)
Arabia (Kedar), Seir (Edom)
CH 22: The Oracle about Jerusalem
Q1. “Valley of Vision” refers to Jerusalem surrounded by Kidron Valley and Hinnom Valley. There was a notable lack of ( ) among residents of this city. They failed to see things from God’s perspective. Though God had delivered Jerusalem from King Sennacherib 701 BC, the city would fall to King Nebuchadnezzar 586 BC. Not paying attention to the future judgment of God, they rejoiced in the present safety. People will die of starvation, not by ( ). They were ( ) and senseless people.
Vision, the sword, defenseless
Q2. Though the Lord planned a day of panic (verse ), they rejoiced on the rooftop (verse ). The Lord called for weeping and mourning (verse ), but they called for a party (verse ). This was because they stopped seeking the defender of Judah (verse ) and sought their own ways of protection (verses ). They did not trust the Creator (verse ).
Verse 5, 1, 12, 9-11, 11
Q3. The Lord promised to drive ( ) out of his office and to tear him down from his exalted position in which he took so much pride. He would appoint ( ) to a special position of authority, complete with the symbols of that authority, to replace proud ( ). The Lord will give security through his servant (verses ). However, it won’t last long (verse ).
Sebna, Eliakim, Sebna, 23-24, 25
CH 23: The Oracle about Tyre
Q1. What kind of business were Tyre and Sidon known for?
Q2. The sea bewailed for ( )’s demise which removed its children, trade ships (v ). And ( ) and ( ) will be shocked at the news of Tyre. They were her trade partners. She was a great city (v ) and full of ( ), but ( ) planned to humiliate all the ( ) of the earth.
Tyre, Egypt, Tarshish, 7, pride, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, dignitaries
Q3. What naition will destroy Tyre?
Assyria (v13)
Q4. After how many years will Tyre be restored and used for the Lord?
Seventy years
CHS 24 ~ 27 Divine Victory over the Nations
CH 24: The Lord will judge the earth
Q1. What is the reason the Lord is going to devastate the earth?
The earth is defiled by its inhabitants. They have broken the permanent treaty.
Q2. Because of their sins, the Lord will devastate the earth. Everyone will suffer (v ). Only few people will be remained (v ). Joy and celebration will diappear (verses ). Their cities will lie in ruins (v ) but few will survive (v ).
Verse 2, 6 & 13, 8 – 11, 12, 13
Q3. The remant will praise the Lord. What would be the reason of the praise? (v16. Hint: focus on the Lord’s name)
His judgment on the ungodly.
Q4. Terror, pit, and snare are ready for the inhabitants of the earth. What does this imply? (v18)
No one can escape God’s judgment.
This passage tells anyone who put their trust on the earthly things will be destroyed.
Q5. After that, the Lord will become King. The Lord will lock up ( ) and powers in prison until their final ( ). Sun and moon will be darkened because of majestic ( ) of the Lord who will rule on ( ) in Jerusalem among his people.
Kings, punishment, splendor, Mount Zion
CH 25: The Lord will become King
Q1. Why does the author extol the Lord’s name? (v1)
The Lord had fortold his plans of destroying strong nations and executed it.
Q2. What was the purpose of the Lord’s works? (v4-5)
To accomplish justice. To save the oppressed.
Q3. Where is the place that the Lord will provide a banquet? What will the Lord remove from His people?
Mount Zion, shroud and woven covering that cover them, death, tears, disgrace.
Q4. What nation will be still remained humiliated because of their stubbornness of seeking own solution amid God’s judgment?
CH 26-27: God’s People Anticipate Vindication
Q1. The Lord will make Mount Zion a strong and secure city so that anyone who enters it would be protected. Who is able to enter the city?
Those who trust in the Lord
Q2. The Lord will bring justice. He brings down ( ) and throws it down to ( ). It is trampled by ( ).
An elevated town, the dust, the oppressed
Q3. What is the reason that the Lord performs judgment? (v8-11)
to make them learn about God: his reputation, justice, and anger toward sinful humankind.
Only showing mercy would fail to make the wicked repent. Thus, judgment is necessary. (v10)
Q4. During the time of Lord’s judgment, our desperate prayers might not seem to be answered (v ). Many will die without being answered of their prayers. However, the dead will surely return to life and enjoy the Lord’s blessing (v ). Therefore, for now when the Lord purges sin from the earth, you’d better shut yourself off from the sinful world (v ) and wait for the time when the gate is opened (v 2).
Verse 18, 19, 20
Q5. At the time the Lord will punish ( ), he will kill this sea monster. Then, sing about a delightful ( ), which implies Israel.
Leviathan, vineyard
Q6. When the Lord punishes Israel, He didn’t completely annihilate them. What was the purpose of the punishment? (v6-9)
Her sins are forgiven and the idol altars will be destroyed. So that they would be rooted again and prosper.
Q7. What was the reason of their sins? (v11)
Their lack of understanding their God
Q8. At that time, the Lord will shake the nations that sit on Euprates River and Nile River. ( ) will be blown. The ones ( ) in the land of Assyria and ( ) in the land of Egypt will return to Canaan. They will worship the Lord on ( ) in Jerusalem.
A large trumpet, lost, the refugees, the holy mountain.
CHS 28 ~ 33 The Folly of Trusting the Nations
CH 28: The Lord will judge Ephraim and Jerusalem
Q1. Find out expressions that tell the reason of Ephraim’s fall from verses 1 – 4.
Splendid crown of Ephraim’s drunkards
Pride and indulgence
Q2. What would the Lord do to the remnant of Northern Israel to restore them? (v 5-6)
He will give them discernment
Q3. They were not able to comprehend God’s message because they were intoxicated with pleause and confusion of ( ), reliance on foreign powers and momentay relief from threat. To them, God’s message sounds like babbling of a baby, meaningless and repetitive (v10, 13). Why is that so? (v11, v12)
God spoke that way on purpose
They had refused to listen to God.
Q4. Despite the Lord promised security, the leaders of Jerusalem relied on foreign powers, like Egypt and Babylon, against Assyrian threat. However, Isaiah sarcastically told them that their covenant was really with ( ) and ( ).
Death, sheol.
Q5. The ( ) Lord will set an approved ( ) in Zion and make it ( ) for the foundation. The Lord will govern in justice and destroy all hiding places (v ). No one can escape from his judgment, even those in Sheol (v ). As the Lord brought judgments on their enemies at Mount Perazim and the Valley of Gibeon, He would bring judgment on his people, which is strange (v ).
Sovereign, approved, a precious cornerstone, 17, 18, 21.
Q6. As you hear the Lord’s judgment against the whole world, you should not ( ). Or, ( ) will become heavier. Pay attention to His ( ).
Mock, your chains, message.
Q7. Verses 24-29 explains the Lord’s mysterious wisdom using an analogy of planting and farming. The ( ) does not keep plowing after he levels the ground, but scatters ( ). The Lord also will restore his people after jusgment. The Lord’s prepared remnants, the seed, will survive the destruction (verses ).
Farmer, seeds, 27-28.
CH 29: Ariel Jerusalem and the Lord’s Plan of Restoration
Q1. Jerusalem was proud of the temple and sacrificial system. Ariel meant altar hearth. However, their sacrifice was only rituals, not from their hearts. Thus, the Lord sarcastically encourages their sacrifices and will make the whole city of Jerusalem like ( ). Their enemies’ ( ) around the city will be like the steps of the altar. They will be ( ) on the ground like sacrifice animals on the altar.
An altar hearth, siege, lying
Q2. However, the enemies of Mount Zion won’t succeed because the judgment and chastening for His people come from the Sovereign Lord. Find two imagery words that tell the failure of the enemies. (v5, 8)
They will be like dust.
They were in dreams.
Q3. Why is the message sealed and not comprehendible to them? (v9-12)
The Lord has shut their eyes and covered their heads.
Their refusal of the earlier message caused them to fail to understand the later message.
Q4. Verse 13 tells the problem of their worship, only ritual. What would be the reason that people go on superficial worship? (v15-16)
They tried to hide their plans from God and wanted to be the owner of their life.
Q5. Because of their arrogant pride, the Lord planned an amazing thing for them (v ). What are the amazing thing? (three, v17-18, 19-21, v22-24)
Verse 14
The deaf will be able to hear.
There will be no oppressors.
Jacob’s descendants will be restored, know God, and honor Him.
Interpretation: The Lord will use the fools in the world to shame the wise. In the Book of Isaiah, understanding the Lord is the start of faith. (v24)
CH 30: Egypt will prove unreliable & the Lord will not abandon His people
Q1. What was their sin in verses 1-2?
They didn’t consult God and sought help from Egypt
Q2. What is the consequence of relying the resources in the world? (v3-5)
You will get shame and humiliation
Q3. In verses 1-11, the Lord called His people rebellious children. Find verses of telling why they were rebellious.
Verses 1, 2, 9, 10, 11
Q4. When we rely on other things than God, our downfall is inevitable. What would it be like? (two v13, 14)
It will come upon us suddenly
We will completely fall
Q5. Verses 15-17 tell why they asked help from Egypt. They should have calmly ( ) in the Lord and patiently ( ) for His deliverance. But they sought to flee from the situation that the Lord had brought to them. They were ( ) of their enemy.
Trusted, waited, afraid
Q6. This is how the Lord will restore His people. When the Lord hears their ( ) of despair, He will show them ( ). Though the Lord will bring in distress in their life, He will reveal ( ) in which they need to walk. Then, they will abhor and throw away ( ). The Lord will bless their land with ( ) and ( ) and heal their wounds.
Cry, mercy, the correct way, idols, water (rain), sunlight.
Q7. Verses 27-33 tell how the Lord will destroy their imminent enemy, Assyria. The ( ) of the Lord comes from a distant place. His ( ) is like destructive fire. His ( ) overwhelmns like a flooding river. They will ( ) and rejoice. The Lord’s mighty ( ) will shatter Assyria. Every blow of the Lord will be accompanied by their ( ). The Lord’s ( ) will burn the corpse of their enemies.
Name, words, battle cry, sing, shout, music, breath
Only God’s words and breath consume them. They didn’t need to worry about Assyria.
CH 31: Egypt will Diasppoint & the Lord will defend Zion
Q1. Those who go down to ( ) are as good as dead. For they trust in Egypt’s military power, not ( ) of Israel. Though they go down Egypt, they cannot escape from the Lord’s judgment. He will attack the wicked nation and the nation that helps them. These two nations are ( ) and ( ), respectively. Egyptians cannot help them from God’s hands because they are ( ). Both will perish.
Egypt, the Holy One, Judah, Egypt, mere humans.
When you are struck by the Lord, there is no other help than God. If someone is struck by God for his sins, you’d better not try to help him or you will be struck by God.
Q2. What animals did the Lord use to compare with Himself confirming that He will protect Jerusalem?
Lion and bird
Q3. Find the expressions in verses 8-9 telling that their deliverance will come through the Lord.
A not-human-made sword will strike Assyria
They will be afraid of the Lord’s battle flag.
CH 32: Justice, Wisdom, and True Security
Q1. How will the leaders be restored and provide shelter to the needy? (v3-4)
They will be enlightened.
Wisdom -> justice -> security
Q2. Who is a fool and a deveiver? (v6,7)
A fool doesn’t help the needy
A deceiver rips off the needy
Q3. Why does the Lord warn ‘complacent women’ to mourn?
For coming desolation of the land
Q4. This desolation will continue until ( ) is poured out on us from ( ). Then, ( ) will settle down in ( ). Fairness will produce ( ) and lasting ( ). His people will be ( ) in their harvest.
New life, heaven, justice, wilderness, peace, security, blessed.
See the order how the Lord restores His people. New life -> obedient heart -> peace -> blessings.
CH 33: The Lord will restore Zion
Q1. Sennacherib accepted a large sum of money that King Hezekiah sent to him so he would not besiege Jerusalem, but Sennacherib accepted the money and attacked Jerusalem anyway. The Lord punished Assyria all the more for such treachery. Jerusalemites experience the Lord’s salvation when the Lord struck 185,000 soldiers in one night. Thus Isaiah praises, “He is your constant source of ( ); he abundantly provides safety and great ( ); he gives all this to those who ( ) him.”
Stability, wisdom, fear
Q2. Verses 7-12. What did they trust instead of God? (v8) What will cause their trouble? (v11)
Human treaties, their own plan and deeds
Q3. The Lord reveals uselessness and vileness of human thoughts by letting them caught by their own plans. Thus, the Lord wants his people understand one truth (v ). Summarize verses 14-16 in one sentence, which is the Lord’s message to his people?
Verse 13, the one who live uprightly will live in a secure place.
Q4. What will make it possible for a godly person live securely? (three, v18-19, v20-22, v23-24)
The oppressors of injustice will be gone.
The Lord will reign in Zion and He is their king.
They will be restored and forgiven of their sins.
CHS 34 ~ 35 The Consequence of Israel’s Trust
CH 34: YHWH’s day of Judgment
Q1. Isaiah gives warning to all nations. “For the Lord is ( ) at all the nations and ( ) with all their armies.”
Angry, furious
Q2. Edom represents all nations. What is the reason for Edom’s judgment?
Their hostility toward Zion.
The world will be condemned for their hostility against Jesus.
Q3. On that day, the Lord’s judgment will be universal and through. The stars and the sky will be judged (v ). The land will be soaked with blood (v ) and it will be desolate throughout generations (v ). The Lord will bring complete destruction, and thus wild animals will live there (v ). All these warngins will be done on that day (v ). The Lord will give their land to wild animals as their allotment (v ).
Verse 4, 3 & 7, 10, 11 & 14, 16, 17
CH 35: YHWH’s day of Blessing
Q1. Verses 1-4 proclaim the message of coming deliverance. Let the wilderness ( ) for they will see ( ) of our God. Tell those who ( ), ‘Be strong! Look, your God comes to ( ) you.’
Be happy, the splendor, panic, deliver
Q2. Verses 5-10 illustrates how the Lord brings His people from afar to His presence and restore their fortune. The Lord will restore their mind and their body (v ) and prepare a road that is called ( ). There, the travellers will find ( ) easily. ( ) will not travel on that road. Only those whom the Lord ( ) will return that way. They will enter ( ) with a happy shout.
Verses 5-6, the Way of Holiness, water, The unclean, has ransomed, Zion
CHS 36 ~ 39 Tests of Israel’s Trust
CH 36-37: Sennacherib Invades Judah
Q1. In the fourteenth year of ( ), King Sennacherib of ( ) invaded Judah and captured all fortified cities.
Hezekiah, Assyria
Q2. According to the chief advior of Sennacherib, what are the three reasons of futility of Hezekiah’s trust? (v6, v7-9, v10)
Egypt, you alliance and trust, will harm you even.
God cannot save you from Assyria
Invasion was by God’s command
Q3. What is the purpose of the chief advisor’s speech? (v4, v12, v14-15)
To make them not to trust God.
Q4. What evidence does the Assyrian official say that God would not be able to save Jerusalem? (v18-20)
No god has ever saved his nation from Assyria. So will it be for the God of Israel.
Q5. When Hezekiah heard the words of the Assyrian official through his subjects, he ( ) his cloth and went to ( ). They sent a messenger to ( ) to pray for the remant in Jerusalem.
Tore, the Lord’s temple, Isaiah
Q6. What was the reason God punish the king of Assyria? (v4, v6) What was God’s plan to deliver Jerusalem?
He hurled insults on God. God will take control of his mind and make him return to his land to die there.
Q7. King Sennacherib sent his messenger again and said to Hezekiah not to trust God’s promise of protection. Just like all nations fell before the kings of Assyria for their gods were powerless, Jerusalem will fall because the God of Israel might be the same powerless as other gods. At this, Hezekiah prayed to God. Summerize his prayer in four sentences. (v17, v18, v19, v20)
Pay attention how he taunts the living God
It is true that all nations fell before him
Because they are not gods at all but human made idols.
Rescue us and show that you alone are the Lord
Q8. The Lord answered to Hezekiah’s prayer through Isaiah. The reason of God’s anger against Assyrian King was their arrogance and insult on the Lord (v ). In fact, it was the Lord’s plan and achievements that Assyrian troops destroyed the nations (v ). Because of such arrogant heart, the Lord will humiliate and him back to where he belonged to (v ).
Verses 23-25, 26-27, 28-29
Q9. Their lack of faith might not believe the Lord’s promise of protection. What are the two ways that the Lord confirms his promise? (v30-32)
Gradual restoration will make them believe full restoration of the land
“the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this” not anything else.
Q10. What was the reason that the Lord protects Jerusalem? (v33-35)
For the sake of the Lord’s reputation and His promise to David.
Q11. How was King Sennacherib killed?
As he was worshipping his god, his sons killed him.
CH 38: Hezekiah’s Prayer for Extended Life
Q1. When Hezekiah was informed of his death in his illness, he prayed to God. What would be the two reasons of God’s answering to his prayer? (v5)
David’s covenant,
God’s mercy on Hezekiah
Q2. What kind of sign was given to confirm God’s message? (v7-8) Why did the Lord give this sign? (v21-22)
The sun went back 10 steps in Ahaz’s stairway.
Hezekiah asked for a sign.
Q3. What was reason of Hezekiah’s grief and prayer? (v11-13)
His coming death
Q4. Hezekiah said his grief brought goodness to him. He experienced ( ) of his sins and ( ) from death. Thus he praised and witnessed ( ) of the Lord.
Forgiveness, deliverance, faithfulness.
CH 39: Messengers from Babylon
Q1. When the messenger from Babylon visted Jerusalem, Hezekiah show them treasure and wealth of his kingdom. How many times does the Bible say he showed them ‘all’ or ‘everything’?
Five times. Verses 2, 4
Q2. What was God’s messge to Hezekiah? (two, v6, 7)
Everything will be carried away to Babylon
Some of your descendants will be made eunuchs by the kings of Babylon.
Q3. What was Hezekiah’s response to God’s announcement? (v8)
THe Lord’s message is appropriate for there will be peace during my lifetime.