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The questions are based on the NET Bible.

CH 1: Introduction & Ministry as a Prisoner

Q1. What was the reason of Paul’s thanks because of them? (two. v5&7, v6)

Their participation in the gospel: to be with Paul in his imprisonment and ministry.

God will complete His good work in them. The good work = their participating in the gospel.

Q2. Paul prayed two things for them. He prayed that their () abounds more in () so that they could decide () and, thus, that they would become () for the day of Christ and be filled with fruit of () to the () of God.
Q3. Though Paul was in prison, he rejoiced. What are two reasons of his joy? (v15-18, v19)

Because of Paul’s imprisonment, the gospel was being proclaimed even more.

His deliverance from prison

Q4. “() will be exalted in my (), whether I live or die. For to me, living is () and dying is ().

Q5. Though he desired to die and to be with the Lord, Paul was expecting he would be released. For what? (v24-26)

For their progress and joy in the faith, by being with them and answered of their fervent prayer.

Q6. What is to live worthy of the gospel of Christ?

In one spirit and one mind, to stand firm and fight for the gospel.

Q7. What would be the sign when Paul says ‘this is a sign…from God’ in verse 28?

If you live worthy of the gospel of Christ who was crucified, if you stand firm in faith amid suffering, such a mindset came from God. And thus, it is a sign of salvation.

CH 2: Christian Mindset & Ministry centered on Christ’s Humility

Q1. As people work for Christ and the church, they often ignore this important thing. What is it? (v2)

Unity: same mind, same love, united in Spirit, one purpose

Q2. In order to do so, we should stop being (   ) and have the same attitude of (    ) toward one another.

Selfish, Jesus Christ

Q3. How did Jesus humble Himself? (two, v6-7, v8)

Though He is God, He didn’t regard equality with God and became a man

He humbled even more to obey to the point of death

Q4. Now, what did God do to Jesus? (v9-10)

God lifted Him up that all will kneel down before His name.

Q5. From v12-18. Therefore, continue working out your () through () with awe and reverence. For it is () who works in you with His () will. Because we live in a () society, we might experience () as we obey God’s will. However, if we faithfully obey without (), we might be () children of God to shine as () in the world. For this, I am pouring out () like a drink offering upon your sacrifice offering of (). Thus I () together with all of you, even though I am in prison.
Q6. Paul is sending Timothy to know how the Philippian church doing. What is his qualification for doing that task?

His concern is not of own affairs, but of the church and of Jesus Christ.

Q7. Epaphroditus was an envoy of the Philippian church sent to assist Paul. Why is Paul sending him back to Philippi?

The Philippian church grieved when they heard Epaphroditus was really sick. After his healing, Paul wanted to relieve their anxiety by sending him back to his home church. So thus, Paul could stop worrying them and all of them could rejoice.

Q8. In verses 26 ~ 30, we can see how they – Paul, Epaphroditus, and the Philippian church – concern for each other. Write proper verse numbers in the blanks.

Paul cares Epaphroditus: His grief was gone when Epaphroditus was healed (v )

Paul cares the Philippian church: Paul sends to relieve their grief (v  )

Epaphroditus cares Paul: He risked his life to take care of Paul (v ) on the church’s behalf

Epaphroditus cares the Philippian church: he missed the church and distressed as the church knew his illness (v )

The church cares Paul: The church sent Epaphroditus to take care of Paul

The church cares Epaphroditus: they worried when Epaphroditus was sick (v  )

27, 28, 29, 26, 26

CH 3: True and False Righteousness & Keep Going Forward

Q1. “Finally, my bothers and sisters, (      )! To write this again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you.”

Rejoice in the Lord

Q2. What kinds of people does Paul harshly accuse? (v2-3)

They rely on human credentials like circumcision on flesh.

Q3. What kinds of human credentials did Paul have? (four, v4-6)

Circumcised on the eighth day,

a tribe of Benjamin (a Hebrew of Hebrews),

a Pharisees blameless in the law,

zeal for God to persecute the church as a heretic sect in his thought.

Q4. Why does Paul regard all these things as disgusting and to be thrown away?

To gain Christ and be found in Him.

The more you have, the more you tend to rely on what you have. Thus, Paul hated that what he had hindered him from earnestly seeking the Lord.

Q5. “My aim is to know him, to experience the power of his (), to share in his (), and to be like him in his (), and so, somehow, to attain to the () from the dead.”
Q6. What does Paul strive to attain? (v12-14)

The prize of the upward call of God

Q7. What is the right attitude who pursue such a goal? (two. v12 & 15, v13 & 16)

To realize I have not achieved perfection, salvation not done yet.

To move onward forgetting what I have accomplished.

Q8. What kinds of lives they are living, who are enemies of the cross of Christ?

They god is their belly. They pursue to satisfy the desires of their flesh.

They boast about their flesh: their ability and possession.

They seek earthly things: material and worldly fame.

Q9. We Christians whose citizenship is in (   ) eagerly await for Jesus from (   ). Why?

heaven, heaven

He will transform our bumble bodies into the likeness of his glorious body.

Therefore, we’d better not boast about our present body of flesh. If you do, you would not eagerly wait for Jesus’ return.

CH 4: Christian Practices & Appreciation for Support

Q1. What are Paul’s admonishing words for the Philippian church who eagerly awaits Jesus’ return? (hint: Euodia and Syntyche were leaders of the church) (six, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6-7, v8-9)

Their leaders should agree in the Lord

Help the leaders.

Rejoice in the Lord

Let everyone see your gentleness

No not be anxious but pray for every concern

Think and do whatever is commendable.

Q2. “Do not be anxious about (). Instead, in (), through prayer and petition with (), tell your requests to God. And the () of God that surpasses all () will guard your () and ().”
Q3. What does it mean when Paul says, “I am able to do all things through the one strengthens me.”?

He is able to be content with any situation

Q4. What was the reason of Paul’s joy in the Lord when he received support from the Philippian church? (v17-18)

Their helping Paul and his ministry was the sign of their mature faith and their offering to the Lord.