The questions are based on the NET Bible.
CH 1 A Family Tragedy: Reversal Fortune
Q1. Why did they move to Moab and what happened there?
Famine in the land
Q2. When Naomi told Ruth and Orpah to find security through new marriage, Ruth insisted to go with her mother-in-law. Why do you think Ruth did so? (hint: v12-13 explain Naomi’s situation. v16-17 tell Ruth’s resolve)
Though Naomi had no hope, Ruth wants to belong to God’s people. She knew God’s goodness.
Q3. Why did Naomi want to call herself ‘Mara?’ (v20-21, v13)
Because of her hardship that the Lord brought.
Q4. They left Bethlehem (“house of bread) when there was ( ). Naomi (“pleasant”) had her husband Elimelech (“my God is king”) and two sons. But, after 10+ years living in Moab, her husband and two sons died. As they heard that ( ) provided abundant crops in Bethlehem, they decided to return. Naomi said, “call me Mara, because the Sovereign One has ( ).”

Famine, the Lord, opposed me.
CH 2 Ruth Works in the Field of Boaz
Q1. How does the Bible describe about Boaz? What is Boaz’s character? (v1, v4, v8-9, v14-17)
Wealthy and prominent, pious, gentle, nice to Ruth.
Q2. What part of Ruth’s works did Boaz commend? What was Ruth’s ultimate trust? (v11-12)
Ruth’s staying with her mother-in-law. Ruth sought protection from the Lord
Q3. Why does Naomi say Boaz showed favor to Ruth? (v20)
Ruth gathered a lot of grain.
CH 3 Ruth and Boaz
Q1. What did Ruth say to Boaz in the night?
Marry me. Cover my feet with your blanket.
Q2. What did Boaz say to her? (two or three, v10~13)
May you be rewarded by the Lord!
I will take care of it.
*For the Levirate Marriage, see Deuteronomy 25:5-10
CH 4 A Greater Settlement
Q1. Why do you think the author intentionally omitted the name of the closest relative of Elimelech as in v1? (v10, Deut 25:9)
Because he didn’t want to sacrifice to preserve his brother’s name and family line.
Q2. Why did the man refuse to marry Ruth? (v6)
It would ruin his inheritance
Q3. What was the main purpose of this marriage? (v10)
To keep the name of the deceased.
Q4. Fill the blanks. ( ) – Boaz – ( ) – ( ) – David.
Salmon, Obed, Jesse
Q5. Fill the blanks. Hint is down below.
The story of Ruth shows us how God rejuvernated a declined family through the sacrifice of a pagan woman who put her trust in ( ) . Elimelech’s family left the land of promise and inheritance because of famine. They escaped from ( ) , but ( ) was waiting for them. And this meant how to survive for the three women (1:5). Naomi asked two daughters-in-law to go and find ( ) from their father’s house (1:9). That’s what people usually do. No one would blame Ruth if she had done so. But, she decided to take care of her mother-in-law (1:16-17) who were ( ) (1:13) and without( ) . (1:14) She wanted to find protection from ( ) .(1:16-17, 2:12)
Also, Boaz had mercy on thess widows and faithfulness to the law of God. He married Ruth to ( ) the family line of Elimelech. Through the sacrifice for others and trust in God, they became David’s great grand parents.
When His people were doing whatever seemed good to their eyes in the times of ( ) , a faithful sacrifice of a pagan woman, the ultimate judge ( ) was born to this family line 1000 years later. BTW, mother of Boaz was ( ) , the prostitute in Jericho.
Where do you seek security of our life amid suffering and troubles? Where do you find peace in your heart? The story of Ruth gives us the right answer for these questions. The God of Israel and ( )!
(HINT: God of Israel, judges, family tragedy, Rahab, Messiah, hope, security, starvation, suffering, , God of Israel, continue, Jesus Christ)
God of Israel, starvation, family tragedy, security, suffering, hope, God of Israel, continue, judges, Messiah, Rahab, Jesus Christ