The questions are based on the NET Bible.
CH 1: Birth of John and the HOPE
Q1. What is the purpose of Luke’s writing of this gospel?
ANS: To let the readers know for sure the things they were taught.
The name ‘Theophilus’ means the one who loves God. It is not sure if it was a real name or not.
Q2. What were John’s father’s name and job?
ANS: Zechariah, priest.
The Bible mentions that they were righteous before God, but they didn’t have a child. This would a situation where God’s intervention is required.
Q3. What was Zechariah’s prayer? (v7, v13)
ANS: Getting a son.
Many Bible stories show that God’s servants were born through barren women. One reason might be to indicate that it is God’s work.
Q4. The Birth of John would bring great joy to many, not only his parents. Why? (hint v15-17)
ANS: Even before birth, he will be filled with the Holy Spirit. He will make people return to their God, restore broken relationships, and let them be ready for the coming Messiah.
Q5. What happened to Zachariah when he did not believe the angel’s message?
ANS: He couldn’t speak
Q6. The angel Gabriel told Mary four things about Jesus. What are they? (v31-35)
ANS: Don’t be afraid. You have found favor with God
You will bear a son and name him Jesus
He will sit on David’s throne; his kingdom lasts forever.
He will be called the Son of God.
Q7. When Mary heard about God’s plan, what did Mary say?
ANS: How can this happen when you don’t know a man?
Mary, also at first, had not believed (or understood) the angel’s words.
Q8. As Mary visited Elizabeth, baby John rejoiced in his mother’s womb (39-45). Why? (v15)
ANS: The baby John was full of the Holy Spirit.
Q9. What are Mary’s reasons for praise? (46-55)
ANS: Mercy: God did great things for his humble servant (Maria).
He scattered the arrogant and raised the low.
Faithfulness in promises: God helped his servant Israel.
Q10. What could make them amazed? (from 59-66)
ANS: They saw the birth of John in their old age, the mute of his father, and the praise. When people saw this happening, they expected what God would accomplish through this child in Israel.
Q11. The praise of Zechariah consists of praise for God’s salvation (v ~ v ) and a prophecy about John’s mission (v ~ v ). (write a range of verse numbers)
ANS: 68, 75, 76, 79
Q12. He has raised a horn of salvation for us in the house of ( ) as he spoke through his prophets. It was to fulfill the covenant given to ( ). It is to let his people serve God without fear, having been rescued from enemies, and in ( ) and ( ).
ANS: David, the father Abraham, holiness and righteousness.
The enemy of His people here can be primarily a foreign force who conquered Israel, but ultimately sin and death. Only when they are washed from sin by the blood of Jesus will they have righteousness to come to God without fear.
Q13. John will tell people that the Most High will save us through ( ). Because of God’s ( ), a light shines upon those in darkness without hope to lead to the way of ( ).
ANS: Forgiveness, mercy, peace.
The way of forgiveness was not to demand obedience but to expect obedience. John provided the baptism of forgiveness.
The Gospel of Luke depicts mercy for the poor, the Father’s heart looking for the lost, and the gospel of peace.
CH 2: Birth of Jesus
Q1. Why did Jesus’ parents travel to Bethlehem while Mary was pregnant?
ANS: At the behest of Emperor Agustus for registration of tax purposes.
Joseph was a descendant of David, and Bethlehem must be his family’s inheritance. However, coming to Galilee and earning a living as a carpenter showed that the Old Testament laws for restoring inheritance, like the year of Jubilee, were ignored.
Q2. What are the two points of the angel’s message to the shepherds?
ANS: Today, your Savior is born
A baby in a manger is the sign.
The world cannot understand nor accept the gospel of the cross and the Savior in a manger.
Q3.What was the song of the angel?
ANS: Glory to God in the highest
On earth, peace among people with whom He is pleased.
Q4. Who rejoiced over Israel’s Savior’s birth when they brought the baby to the temple?
ANS: Simeon, Annah
Q5. Why did Simeon say that he could die in peace?
ANS: He was a man looking forward to Israel’s recovery (v.25), and now he has seen God’s salvation prepared for everyone through baby Jesus.
However, the salvation Simeon had hoped for continues until today, two thousand years after his death. He has seen God’s salvation history thousands of years ahead through the eyes of the Holy Spirit.
Q6. Jesus’ word and ministry will reveal thoughts of many hearts, whether humble or not, and whether they accept God’s salvation or rely on their righteousness. By disclosing their heart, somebody will be elevated, and somebody will be lowered. For this, Jesus will be rejected. And anyone who bears His name will be persecuted. Because of this, Mary will suffer for his son’s affliction. Find the related verses.
ANS: V34-35
Jesus came to make the blind to see, to blind those who think they can see
Jesus became a stumbling stone and the cornerstone at the same time. Jesus said, “Anyone who doesn’t stumble because of me is blessed.” “Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”
In Chapter 1, the birth of John would bring joy to people and his parents. However, in chapter 2, the birth of Jesus foreshadows the hardships he will suffer: the baby in a manger and Mary’s pain.
Q7. What did Anns say about Jesus’ work?
ANS: Redemption of Jerusalem
Q8. When Jesus was 12, and they went to Jerusalem, Jesus was left behind in Jerusalem after they finished the Passover feast. His parents realized he was missing later and came back and found Jesus in the temple. What did Jesus say to his parents?
ANS: Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?
In those days, Jesus started to realize his Messianic identity and mission.
CH 3: John & Jesus’ Genealogy
Q1. V1 – 3 tells us about the historical background of the gospel. Who are addressed here?
ANS: Tiberius, Pilate, Herod, Philip, Lysania, Annas, Caiaphas
This comment advocates his record is a historical truth.
Q2. According to Isaiah’s prophecy, John the Baptist was ( ) shouting in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming. According to his message and work, what must you do to prepare to welcome the Lord?
ANS: Voice. Repentance and baptism.
John = Voice: What matters is the message, not the speaker.
Q3. Summarize John’s message in three parts
ANS: V7-9 (Urgency of true repentance) An axe is prepared for the fruitless tree.
V10-14 (the life of repentance) without greed and lie, in sacrifice, serve others
V15-17 (The testimony about Jesus Christ): He who comes after me is far superior to me and will baptize you with fire and the Holy Spirit.
Q4. How did John end up in prison?
ANS: He rebuked Herod for taking his brother’s wife. Luke implies his ministry was up to this point and alludes to Jesus’ persecution.
Q5. The genealogy of Jesus in Luke Chapter 3 differs from the one in Matthew Chapter 1. One possible explanation is the levirate marriage in the OT law. When a person dies without a son, his brother marries the widow to continue the family line of the dead. In this case, a newborn son is the deceased brother’s son. Joseph’s father is Heli in Luke but Jacob in Matthew. If Jacob is a legal father, you can think of Heli as a birth father. It is ( ) generations from Jesus to Zerubbabel, 22 generations from Zerubbabel to David, ( ) generations from David to Abraham, and ( ) generations from Abraham to God.
ANS: 20, 14, 21
CH 4: Start of the ministry
Q1. According to Jesus’ temptation, what areas do human temptations come through?
ANS: Three areas of human struggle are addressed here: living, glory, and the issue of trust.
Is God’s will more important than making ends meet? Because Jesus came as a human being, he had to deal with the difficulties and suffering of ordinary humans. He was supposed to carry all human sins and weaknesses completely.
Only seek the glory of God? Or do you care about your face? If we do not seek God’s glory with all our hearts, we naturally move on to the easy path (=the path to seek my glory).
Do you believe in God? Or should I confirm His love? There is a desire in us to ensure the invisible God and his love constantly. Satan’s words, “If you are the Son of God,” create such doubts in us. If you want to corroborate a clearly declared statement, it’s a waste of time, and you can go wrong. Note that this final test was done through Word. The way to understand the word correctly is to love and trust in God.
Q2. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came upon him (3:22). Find two verses from chapter 4 that tell us the Holy Spirit led Jesus.
ANS: V1, 14
Q3. Jesus had read a Messianic prophecy from Isaiah in the Synagogue of Nazareth and proclaimed it had been fulfilled that day. According to the prophecy, what was the Messiah’s role? (v8-19)
ANS: Declaration of the Year of the Lord’s Grace. The ministry of the cross can also be said to have proclaimed the salvation of God’s forgiveness. Not those who hear the gospel of the cross, but those who come before the cross are saved. That’s why the Holy Spirit was with Jesus in this ministry.
Q4. Jesus grew up in Nazareth. Why did Jesus stay in Capernaum? Why did they reject Jesus?
ANS: Seeing Jesus only as Joseph’s son. We should through the eyes of words, not our experience. For example, many people say, “I prayed like this, and God answered me.” or “I saw on YouTube that Pastor OOO’s words were a great comfort to my heart.” These are all based on experience. Instead, you have to say this. “The Lord promised to answer our prayer.” “Pastor OOO’s sermon explains the Bible correctly.”
Q5. As Jesus’ hometown people didn’t believe Jesus, Jesus told them that they would not experience salvation, just like the Old Testament people didn’t experience God’s power because of their lack of faith. Who are the two gentiles who experienced God’s power? (v25-27)
ANS: A widow at Zarephath, Naaman from Syria.
It was not Jesus’ ability that they did not believe but his words. The Lord’s ability to heal is not an object of ‘belief’ because he has experienced it. They should have believed the message of resurrection, but they did not.
Faith is believing in the Lord’s word rather than experiencing His power. That’s why the Lord told them not to say to people after healing the sick so that they wouldn’t be fascinated by the miracle of healing.
Q6. They were astonished when Jesus taught in Capernaum synagogue because he had ( ) in his teaching. Jesus’s healing and exolling of evil spirits confirmed it. Verses 35 and 39 tell us that there is ( ) in his words.
ANS: authority
Q7. Jesus’ words and responses are sometimes hard to understand. Jesus forbade the evil spirit to disclose His identity (v35, 41). In verse 42, Jesus insists on leaving for other towns, though they have wanted Him to stay more. Why? (v43)
ANS: Jesus did not want the focus to be on Himself. He came to proclaim the kingdom of God. For people to focus on the gospel (not just physical healing, but holistic reconciliation with God), Jesus hid his identity until a particular time. He came to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God.
CH 5: The New Way: Forgiveness of sins.
Q1. What was his response when Simon (later named Peter) caught many fish according to Jesus’ instruction? And what did Jesus say to him? (Please compare Matthew 4:18 -22)
ANS: I am a sinner. Leave me. (not in Matthew)
Don’t be afraid; you will be catching people (Matthew: I’ll let you be a fisher of men)
Q2. In those days, they thought leprosy came from one’s sin. A leper came to Jesus and said, “Lord, ( ), you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hands and ( ) him and said, “( ), be clean!”
ANS: If you are willing, touched, I am willing
If the Lord is willing, he can forgive our sins and raise us from the dead. He is willing!
Q3. When they lowered a person with paralysis on a stretcher from the rooftop, what did Jesus say to them? Why did Jesus say that?
ANS: Your sins are forgiven.
To let them know that Jesus had the authority to forgive sins.
Q4. When Jesus was eating in the house of Matthew, the tax collector, what was the Pharisees’ accusation?
ANS: Eating with sinners
Q5. “I have not come to call ( ), but ( ) to ( ).”
ANS: The righteous, sinners, repentance
Q6. The new wine refers to Jesus’ teaching. The old wine implies the Jewish religious system. Why should you not put new wine into old wineskins? Why do people not like the new wine? (v39 is not found in Matthew 9:14-17)
ANS: Both would be ruined. The gospel of freedom and grace would break the rigid religious system of written code and rituals. Formality and legalism cannot coexist with the dynamic works of the Holy Spirit.
People taste new wine and say that the old is good -> they want what they are used to, and they hesitate to abandon their reputation, wealth, and stable life so they cannot meet the Lord and recognize him.
If we think our lives are stable, we should try to live self-denial.
CH 6: The New Wine: Jesus’ Teaching
Q1. “The Son of Man is the lord of the Sabbath” means that Jesus has the authority to redefine (to interpret the true meaning of) the Sabbath law. As you read verses 3, 4, and 9, what would you say about the true meaning of the Sabbath? (hint: think about why the Pharisees accused Jesus and his disciples)
ANS: Mercy and love, the Sabbath law is for man,
The Lord took the example of David, who ate the Showbread, to tell that the Bible should be interpreted in the spirit of love and compassion.
Q2. What was the Pharisees’ response to Jesus’ healing on the Sabbath? (v1-11)
ANS: They hated Jesus and discussed what to do with Jesus. On the Sabbath, the Lord does good, and the Pharisees do evil (to kill Jesus). The Bible reveals who indeed violated the Sabbath law.
Q3. What did Jesus do before He called the disciples?
ANS: He prayed all night.
One of the twelve was Judas Iscariot.
Q4. ‘The Sermon on the Plain’ in Luke 6:17-49 is similar to ‘The Sermon on the Mountain’ in Matt Chapters 5 ~ 7. However, they show different emphases from each other. In Luke, the kingdom of God should be available for all regardless of their social status or wealth. Please compare Matt 5:1 and Luke 6:17-19 and tell the difference.
ANS: Plain (Luke) <-> Mountain (Matt)
From all region including gentile towns <-> disciples came (Matt)
Q5. Compare the reasons for blessing (v20-23) and woe (v24-26). Luke says, ‘Woe to you if you are rich, well satisfied, and spoken well by people.’ Why is that so?
ANS: Such a life can have nothing to do with the kingdom of God. In history, there have been difficulties and persecution for the followers of the Lord, for they have persecuted the prophets and praised false prophets. Also, there are always the poor and the needy around us, and if we enjoy peace alone, it means the selfish mind in us. If you live for Jesus Christ and the gospel, it is hard to get compliments from everyone.
Q6. The Bible tells us that we should love our enemies and give to everyone who asks us. What is the reason? (v32-35)
ANS: For our Father God is merciful. It’s not because they deserve grace.
Q7. (from v37-49) Do not ( ), and you will not be ( ). If you want ( ) from God, you should ( ) first. If you don’t see your fault but point out other’s fault, you are ( ). Such a person cannot lead others. If you want to see and find your fault, you should check your heart first. Like a good tree produces good ( ), only a person with good ( ) can do good work. However, for only God is good, a good heart, in our viewpoint, is a repentant heart without hypocrisy. Such a heart obeys ( ) of Jesus sent by God. He is like the one who builds his house on ( ) and won’t be shaken by any trials.
CH 7: Faith is Required
Q1. Compare Matt 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10. What is the most different part between them?
ANS: The centurion sent a man.
The Jews tell Jesus what the centurion did and say he deserves help. It is the thought of the people of the world, including Jewish leaders, to think that they deserve grace based on merit. But the centurion says he’s not qualified.
Q2. What part of the Centurion’s saying shows his faith?
ANS: He confessed that he was an unqualified man, that Jesus’ power was high, and that his servant could be healed only by His words.
Q3. What made Jesus raise a widow’s son from death without her asking so?
ANS: Compassion (v13)
Q4. Though John the Baptist had proclaimed that Jesus was Christ, later he doubted Jesus’ identity. When John sent his disciples to ask about Jesus’ identity, what was Jesus’ answer?
ANS: V22 (quote from Isaiah 35:5)
John doubted Jesus was Christ because he thought Christ would recover Israel from Rome. The Lord reminded him of the Messianic prophecy to correct his misunderstanding of Christ’s role and to allude that he was Christ.
Q5. How did Jesus describe John the Baptist?
ANS: One who is greater than prophets. A messenger of God before the Lord.
He was the greatest among all born from women (born in the flesh) but smaller than the smallest in God’s kingdom (born in the Spirit). The grace and wisdom given through Christ’s revelation is far greater than those blessings given to any prophet in the Old Testament.
Q6. According to the analogy of the children in the market, why did they not believe in Jesus? (v29-34, hint: it is related to John’s mission. Those who are indifferent (v32) refer to the unbelieving)
ANS: They could not accept the Christ John testified about because they refused to be baptized by John. They refused the baptism of repentance because he thought they were righteous. Because they were satisfied as they were and lacked nothing, they could not believe Jesus because they were preoccupied with their thoughts and ignored John’s message.
Q7. How do you know that Jesus was proclaiming the truth? (v35)
ANS: Because he was innocent. Wisdom is determined by its deeds (children of wisdom).
Q8. Why did the woman in v36-50 love Jesus more than Simeon did?
ANS: More sins were forgiven.
Q9. According to Jesus’ conversation with Simeon, what attitude makes us not realize Jesus’ love? (v37-39)
ANS: A heart of criticizing and condemning others.
A heart of self-righteousness
Q10. According to v16, 39, and 49, who is Jesus?
ANS: Greater than prophets. The one who can forgive sins = God.
CH 8: The Characteristics of Faith
Q1. Who helped Jesus’ ministry?
ANS: They were twelve disciples, women who were healed, and women who supported and followed Jesus’ ministry. What is noteworthy here is that a small Jesus’ community had started and that women participate in Jesus’ ministry.
Q2. Why did Jesus explain in parables? (v9-10)
ANS: It was to enlighten the truth only through an encounter with Jesus. When the disciples did not realize it, the Lord explained the parables. Understanding the Bible is the same. Only with the enlightening of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s grace can you understand the words correctly. The religious leaders failed to understand the gospel because they had rejected the Lord.
Q3. The four places where the seed falls represent four kinds of hearts. The seed represents the word of God. Please summarize why three places didn’t produce fruit and the good soil produced fruit.
ANS: Roadside: their indifference made Satan take the word away.
Rocky fields: They have received it with joy but would fall when difficulties come because there is no root. Root = right understanding of the word and treating the word with honesty and good heart.
Thorns: Fruit is not ripe because of the pleasures and anxieties of the world.
Good Land: Holding the Word with an honest and good heart; bearing fruit with patience.
Q4. The one who has will be given more. The one who does not have will be taken away what he thinks he has. Why is it so? (v16-17, hint: ‘what he has’ refers to something other than material)
ANS: “What he has” refers to the knowledge of Jesus and the gospel. God revealed the truth to you not to hide it under the bed but to make it shine. So if we proclaim the Lord in the world, God fills us more so that the gospel can spread further. However, if you don’t share the gospel, you will fall from faith, doubting what you knew.
Q5. They were terrified when they met a storm on the lake, and Jesus was sleeping. When they woke Jesus up, Jesus calmed the storm. And then what did Jesus say to them?
ANS: Where is your faith? Jesus asks them to believe that he is not just a prophet but God. However, it was difficult for them to believe it at then.
Q6. Why do you think the people in Gergesa wanted Jesus to leave?
ANS: They were afraid because they could not accept any sacrifice that would happen if Jesus were with them. Trust and follow the Lord even if you are entering a life of uncertainty. What challenges of faith lie ahead of you now?
Q7. Why do you think the people in Capernaum welcomed Jesus when He returned?
ANS: They would have wanted to see if Jesus could cure Jairus’ daughter. Finding Jesus with curiosity about mysterious power has nothing to do with faith.
Q8. What did Jesus say to the woman of a bleeding disease? What part of her act showed her faith?
ANS: Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace. She believed that even though Jesus did not promise, touching the clothes would heal her. Touching his clothes was the best option for her because she had been suffering from hemorrhage, which is ritually unclean. She also believed in the power and mercy of the Lord.
Q9. What did Jesus say to Jairo after he heard about his daughter’s death? What was the limitation of Jairo’s faith?
ANS: Don’t be afraid, just believe. Jairo believed Jesus’ healing power, but not the power of resurrection. Confession of faith: I want nothing but Jesus. Nothing is impossible for Him.
CH 9: The Identity of Messiah & Following Him
Q1. What were two missions given to the disciples when they were sent?
ANS: Declare the kingdom of God and cure the sick. He gave them the authority and power to do so.
In proclaiming the gospel, if there is no recovery and healing, one can ask himself if he is doing right in his ministry. These are the promises when the Lord commissioned the evangelism to us.
“Make disciples of all nations, … I will be with you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
“Go out into the world and preach the gospel…These signs will accompany those who believe.” (Mark 16:16-17. However, this text may not have been in the original text.)
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit had come upon you, and you will be my witness.” (Acts 1:8)
“Just as the Father has sent me, I also send you.” (John 20:21)
All these promises point in one direction. Jesus will be with us in the Holy Spirit; thus, we will have power that is not limited to healing. Therefore, the important thing in the gospel ministry is to be with the Lord and led by the Holy Spirit.
Q2. Why do you think Herod was perplexed at hearing of Jesus and wanted to see him?
ANS: He was wondering if the John he killed had come back to life from a fear or a desire to lessen the guilt for killing John. People thought that Jesus was a “revived” prophet because Jesus’ power was on a different level.
Q3. What did Jesus say to the disciples when they asked Jesus to send the crowd away to buy their own food?
ANS: You give them something to eat. You should pay attention to the ministry of the gospel and the problems of the person’s life.
Q4. After Peter’s confession, Jesus disclosed what the Messiah would do. What is the task of the Messiah?
ANS: Resurrection in three days after suffering many hardships and being abandoned and killed by Jewish leaders. He said this to correct Peter’s understanding of Messiah (Christ).
Q5. What would be the life of the Messiah’s disciples? (three) And what are the two kinds of attitudes that distract such life? (v23-26)
ANS: Self-denial, take the cross, follow the Lord. To be afraid of death, to be ashamed of God’s way. Clinging to life and glory.
Q6. After Jesus said, “Some of you will see the kingdom of God before death,” he went up the mountain with his three disciples. Jesus’ appearance changed there, and he talked about ( ) with ( ). Then there was a sound coming from the clouds saying, ( ).
ANS: His departure (In Greek: Exodus): Moses brought the people of Israel from Egypt, and now Messiah will bring his people out of the land of death. This work of deliverance will be done in Jerusalem. Moses and Elijah talked about it.
Q7. What did Jesus say as he healed the boy after he had come down from the mountain?
ANS: You unbelieving and perverse generation! How much longer must I be with you and endure you?
Q8. We find it difficult to understand Jesus’ words in Chapter 9 correctly. That’s why Jesus tells you to deny yourself. The disciples of Jesus misunderstood the role of the Messiah and, therefore, were mistaken about the discipleship. Look for phrases that show the difference between the disciples’ thoughts and Jesus’ words (there are 2 ~ 9 places).
ANS: 33, 45,
21, 27, 41, 48, 50, 55, 60
Q9. Please find the related verse numbers in the blank. In verses 22 to 62, we learn the mindset of a disciple following Jesus. Jesus’ way is the way of the cross (v ). The Lord, who has gone the way of the cross, will come later in his glory(v ). He wants us to show the glory of God(v ), but now we must follow the word of the Lord first(v ). Sometimes, we make mistakes because we desire to be the greatest(v ). We might get angry when we see people who don’t believe in the Lord(v ). Also, because we live in a fallen world (or because of our sinful nature) that pursues sensible and visible pleasure(v ), we cannot follow the Lord unless we focus on him at the expense of other things(v ). Therefore, waiting for the time of glory in the hope, you must focus on obeying the Lord’s words (denying yourself), serving others with a humble heart (carrying the cross), and following him.
CH 10: New Value System Is Needed
Q1. There seem to be many churches and workers, but there is a shortage of workers. So we must pray to God to send a worker (v ). We must follow the guidelines of the Lord as we go into a world hostile to Jesus and the gospel(v ). Excessive resource or human fellowship could hinder the ministry (v ). We must not judge anyone we meet but pray for God’s blessing (v ). We should not waste our lives looking for a better environment; we must focus on the ministry given to us today (v ). We must heal and serve the people around us and declare the kingdom of God has come (v ). Yet, you would encounter refusal. Don’t be daunted. Tell them they will be responsible for rejecting the gospel and leave (v ). On the last day, God will judge them (v ).
Q2. Which city experienced the miracle of Jesus but did not repent?
ANS: Chorazhin, Bethsaida, Capernaum.
The reason for not repenting is arrogance.
Faith is not experiencing many miracles but moving toward a life of trust and obedience.
Q3. Why are those who do not believe Jesus’ words judged? (v16)
ANS: Because they don’t believe in God who sent Jesus.
Q4. What is the reason for the greater joy than doing miracles? (v20)
ANS: Their names were written in the Book of Life.
Do you have a joy of salvation greater than any joy of this world?
Q5. Why is it a greater joy? (v21-24)
ANS: Because God chose you. Salvation is the grace of the Father. We are likely to be distracted by the appearance of God’s miracles, but the grace and love of salvation must be the reason for joy that cannot be exchanged for anything in the world. Vv. 21-24 explain how amazing God’s chosen grace is.
Q6. Why did the expert of the law ask, “Who is my neighbor?” (V29. Hint: Jews despised Samaritans and didn’t get along with them.)
ANS: They despised Samaritans and removed them from the neighbor’s list. In doing so, they rationalized their hatred toward Samaritans.
Q7. Why did the priest and the Levite avoid the victim? (Numbers 19:11)
ANS: Because touching a dead body makes them unclean, they seem to have ignored the man in need. But there is a selfish mind inside. The purpose of ministry is to take care of the soul so that they can see God’s grace and glory.
Q8. Find three places that show the Samaritans showing mercy.
ANS: He took pity on him (v.33), putting him on his donkey (v.34) – he walked (the Samaritan took care of him with all his heart), and paid extra expenses for further treatment (v.35).
Q9. As the expert of the law asked, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered implicitly: 1) who the neighbor is and 2) what a loving neighbor is. What are Jesus’ answers to these two questions?
ANS: Jesus questioned him with a story of analogy, “Why do you think Samaritan is not your neighbor?
Through the story, we can see who our neighbors are. We don’t have the freedom to choose our neighbors. Our neighbors are those whom God put around us. The next doors, relatives, church families, and all our acquaintances are our neighbors sent by God. Neighborly love is not giving them proper responses according to their qualification. To be merciful is to practice love.
Q10. You might be busy doing many things for God. What is the most important thing? (v38-42)
ANS: Personal relationship with the Lord
CH 11: Prayer, Their Rejection
Q1. The Lord’s prayer tells us what to pray for: our life goal, needs, and duty. What are they?
ANS: The goal of life: the glory of God’s name, seeking the kingdom of God. Our need: Daily food, the forgiveness of sins, and rescue from evil.
Our duty: to forgive others.
Q2. From v5 – v8, Jesus tells us an essential attitude in our prayer. What is it?
ANS: Not giving up in prayer
Q3. What is the best thing God gives us?
ANS: The Holy Spirit
Q4. They did not believe and asked for evidence that Jesus came from God. They also said that Jesus was driving out demons by the power of Beelzebub. What is the Lord’s answer to this?
ANS: If so, how will his kingdom stand?
By whom do your sons cast demons out?
Q5. The fact that God has begun to expel the spirits from his people is a sign that the kingdom of God has come (v ). As a strong man comes and takes the weaker man’s possession, Jesus came and took possession of evil spirits, which are people (v ). Even those not following Jesus could drive out the spirits (v19). But this was because the kingdom of God had arrived among them by Jesus’ coming. Therefore, if you don’t follow Jesus and drive out evil spirits, you could mistake it as if you’ve shaken a tree when the wind blows and the fruit falls. Therefore, the healing ministry without believing Jesus is more dangerous because it would reject the message of Jesus (v ).
Q6. Verses 24-26 warn those who don’t accept Jesus in their hearts after being released from illness or the spirits. Why does the latter situation get worse?
ANS: Without Jesus, a strong man, it is impossible to stop when a more evil spirit comes. The evil spirit = the spirit of pride and self-righteousness.
Q7. According to verse 28, who is blessed?
ANS: Those who hear God’s words and put them into practice.
Q8. Why will the Southern Queen and the people of Nineveh judge the people of “this generation”?
ANS: They repented when they saw Solomon’s wisdom and Jonah’s sign. But the people of “this generation” heard the wisdom of Jesus, who was greater than Solomon and Jonah, and did not believe in his signs.
Q9. People do not accept Jesus and his teachings because their hearts are in the dark (v35). This darkness is due to unwholesome eyes with a disease of seeking their own glory (v34). You can’t see ( ) and ( ) in your mind because it’s in the darkness. Instead, you would focus only on what is visible from the outside. (Hint: v39)
Q10. Jesus accused the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. Find the corresponding verses.
Pretending to be holy but full of dirt on the inside. (v )
Not trying to do what they teach. (v )
Claiming to be serving God’s word but persecuting the prophets who delivered the word. (v )
Good at religion, but stingy in giving love (v )
Wanting to be honored by the people (v )
Not entering true knowledge of God and eternal life, and preventing those who want to enter (v )
CH 12: The Attitude of Workers
Q1. It’s easy to be hypocritical when we become conscious of people’s evaluation of us. Why should we be careful not to be hypocritical? (vv2-3)
ANS: Because what’s on your mind is revealed.
Q2. What mindset is required not to be hypocritical? (two,vv4-5, vv6-7)
ANS: Fear of God than man: He who is more conscious of God has no room (or need) to be conscious of man’s eyes. Believing that everything is in God’s hands is why you should fear God rather than man. On the other hand, the reason for being conscious of people’s eyes is that they think success and failure are in the hands of people. Those who believe in God’s sovereignty shall not be hypocritical.
Q3. What mistake does a person who cares about people’s reputations make? (vv8–10)
ANS: You can deny the Lord in front of people. You lose something big to protect something small.
Q4. Everyone has a fear of authority. What is the Lord’s promise to us? (vv11-12)
ANS: He said he would let us know how to respond when necessary.
Q5. Why do we have to cast out greed? (v15, v20)
ANS: This is because abundant materials do not bring us life. It disappears eventually. Seeking them is a waste of time.
Q6. What is the reason for being greedy? (v22)
ANS: a concern about the world, what to eat, and what to wear.
Q7. Why shouldn’t we worry about our lives? (v24, 25, 30)
ANS: God takes care of us. Our worries give us nothing. God knows all our needs.
Q8. What is one of the reasons for not seeking the kingdom of God? (vv29-31)
ANS: Too much concern for the world.
Q9. How do you seek God’s kingdom and possess it? (vv32-34)
ANS: Using your resources, help the poor and needy. Regarding seeking God’s kingdom, Matthew says to seek God’s righteousness, and Luke says to care for the poor.
Q10. We steward money, time, talent, and everything God has entrusted us. Our mission is to distribute those things to others who need them (v42). What thought makes us neglect this duty of distributing? (v45)
ANS: The Lord is not coming soon, not today. We can be alert and grow in faith if we regard the Lord’s return as imminent. If you are nervous and anxious about his return tonight, you should check if you believe the gospel. If you enjoy the world while lazy, you should ask if you have faith. Waiting for the Lord is like a bride waiting for the bridegroom to come.
Q11. Jesus came to give trouble, not peace (v51), because He proclaimed the message of the cross (v50). Why does it bring conflicts between people, even between families? (This is a meditation question)
ANS: The gospel of the cross cannot be accepted without the grace of the Holy Spirit. And it has a higher priority than anything in the world (family or life). Therefore, there can be a division between believers and nonbelievers in the family. I’m not saying to antagonize the unbelieving family, but that the gospel naturally divides them into believers and unbelievers, which creates a possibility of conflict.
Q12. Jesus was worried, “How can you not interpret the present time?” (v56). What did Jesus want them to understand about of ‘the present time?’ (v58-59, hint: 2Cor 6:2)
ANS: It is the time of forgiveness and salvation. Jesus proclaimed so, but they refused to accept the offer of salvation. If you haven’t yet, you should return to the Lord before it is too late. Today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow.
CH 13: Unrepentant Jerusalem
Q1. (vv1-9) Sometimes, we misunderstand when we see people around us suffering from misfortune through God’s judgment. What is our illusion, what is the reality, and what should we do?
ANS: Illusion (v2): We are better than them
The fact (v8): (at the pleading of the Lord) You were given another opportunity to bear fruit though you are fruitless as they are.
We need to repent and bear proper fruit (v3, 5, 9).
Q2. (vv10-17) One of the reasons for the absence of fruit is hypocrisy. Jesus told those who criticized Jesus for healing on the Sabbath that they were hypocritical. Why was their accusation hypocritical?
ANS: They would deliver their livestock from a pit even on the Sabbath. But they blamed Jesus for rescuing their brothers and sisters from 18 years of suffering on the Sabbath.
Q3. (vv18-21) What properties of the kingdom of God do the two parables explain?
ANS: It is growing up: A person or community must spiritually continue to grow, and it does if there’s life in it.
Need to wait: In the process of sanctification or in the field of ministry, you’d better wait in patience. Don’t flip-flop based on what is seen. You must be steadfast in the guidance of the Word and the Holy Spirit.
Q4. (vv22-30) Many people want to enter heaven but can’t (v ). This is because many people try to enter heaven through the easy way rather than through ( ). After the door closes and the Feast of Heaven has begun, you cannot enter. Even though you have preached the gospel everywhere and participated in the fellowship of the believers (v ), you might not have known Jesus. Knowing Jesus is ( ) on the way that Jesus showed us (v27). Living such a life is going through ( ) because it is against our nature and conflicts with the world. Therefore, not those who have been in church for a long time, but those who have followed the Lord enter heaven (v30).
Q5. What will Jesus do in Jerusalem?
ANS: To be killed.
Mediate the meaning of why Jesus needed to be killed in Jerusalem (the place of the old covenant)
Q6. Which verse tells a recovery of Jerusalem?
ANS: 35. This verse might refer to Jesus’ entrance to Jerusalem on the Palm Sunday in the near future and His second coming in the far future.
CH 14: You should put it down
Q1. When Pharisees accused Jesus of healing on the Sabbath, what is Jesus’ answer?
ANS: It is legitimate to heal a man on the Sabbath. If any of you had a son or cow in a pit, wouldn’t you rescue him on the Sabbath? He talks about their double standards and selfishness that they save their sons on the Sabbath but others on the day after the Sabbath.
Q2. From v7-14, Jesus gave us two guidelines in the feast house. What are they?
ANS: Don’t sit at the top of the table; don’t ask for glory. Invite the poor: Let your motives for good be pure.
Q3. When they throw a party, they don’t invite anybody. In the days of Jesus, getting an invitation to a banquet was also a sort of honor. They brought this idea into their understanding of God’s kingdom. They thought only worthy people would be invited to the heavenly banquet (v ). Jesus corrects this thought in v14-24. Why did the invitees not come? Who came to the feast?
ANS: V15. They were busy with their work. They put their business (essential?) ahead of participating in God’s feast (non-essential?). Which is more important, your business or ministry?
Anyone whom the slaves would meet on the streets or fields. Note that none who had been invited tasted the banquet.
Q4. The message in v25-33 says that you should count the cost before you decide to follow Jesus (v ), or you would stop in the middle of your journey of faith (v ). So what kind of attitude is required when you say, “I do believe in Jesus?” (vv26-27, v33)
ANS: 28, 29, put everything down and follow the Lord with your cross.
Q5. At that time, salt was collected from salt marshes, not from salt fields today, and there were many impurities. Only impurities remained as the salt content melted away, and the salty taste disappeared. Salt refers to the disciple who follows Jesus. Then what flavor should we represent as His disciples? Write down the verse telling what you should do not to lose the taste.
ANS: Taste of Jesus,
Following Jesus should be first, more than anything else, even your family (26)
Self-denial, bearing of own cross, following the Lord (27)
You should be put down everything for the Lord (33)
CH 15: You Should Know Father’s Heart for the Missing
Q1. What did the Pharisees complain about Jesus?
ANS: Jesus accepted tax collectors and sinners.
Q2. Jesus replied to Pharisees’ complaints in three parables (vv3-32). Two parables in verses 3-10 speak of this message. “There will be more joy in heaven over ( 1 ) sinner who repents than over ( 99 ) righteous people who do not need to repent.” Each of the masters in the two parables lost something and found it, and their reactions are similar. What is their reaction? (Note the expressions of how hard they searched for the lost and how pleased they found.)
ANS: Owner’s reaction when lost (v. 4 & 8): hard search for the missing ones.
The owner’s reaction when found (v. 5-6 & 9): They rejoiced and invited people to a banquet.
Q3. Which verses and expressions in verses 11-24 illustrate the repentant heart of the second son? How did his heart change compared to verse 12?
ANS: He took the inheritance he would receive for granted <-> I am not worthy to be called a son.
Q4. What did the father do when his son came back?
ANS: He called in the neighborhood for a feast.
Q5. Which part of the first son’s word (v29) shows the opposite of the repentant heart of his brother?
ANS: Bragging about his loyalty to his father’s house. The fact that I took my father’s praise and acceptance for granted.
Q6. Verse 31 would not have comforted the disappointed first son. Why do you think the first son doesn’t think his father’s was his?
ANS: The first son didn’t know the father’s heart for his lost son and the grace of having a son who returned. He thought of his father as a master who recognized him only when he worked hard as a servant. That’s why he blamed his father, who seemed to be doing a greater favor to my brother.
He didn’t know that living in his father’s house was the biggest blessing.
The father gave a feast not because the second son did well but because he was happy; the first son considered it a reward. Such misunderstanding happens when you think of everything God gives as awards or punishments.
The first son could have invited his friends to a feast. But he couldn’t because he didn’t trust his good father. He didn’t know that his father’s was his because he didn’t use it even though it was his.
CH 16: God and Mammon
Q1. In the parable of verses 1-8, what did the servant do after being notified of his dismissal?
ANS: He called the people who owed the owner and reduced the debt.
Q2. This is one of the difficult parables to comprehend. For such a text, we should focus on the conclusion of Jesus (v. 8-9) rather than evaluate the servants’ behavior by ourselves. What will be Jesus’ message to us in our present life?
ANS: He prepared for life after his dismissal with what he had. We must use the resources given to us now to prepare for life after death.
Q3. (Verse 10-13) The reasons we cannot faithfully manage what God has entrusted us are as follows. We turn to them as if they were our eternal possession (v ). If the wealth that will disappear takes the core value in our mind, we will be deceived by the lies of this world and cannot make the right decisions (v ). Because we can’t see the great blessings of heaven, we become obsessed with the things of this world (v ). Thus, we would rely on ( ) that God has given us to manage. By being obsessed with it and making it the core value, we would have ( ) as our God (v ).
ANS: 12, 11, 10, wealth, Mammon, 13
“dishonest/unrighteous” means “not right.” Because the “unrighteous wealth” seduces people, it is unrighteous.
If you are seduced by the unrighteous wealth of no true value and, thus, cannot manage it (not faithful to it), you cannot handle the glory of truth.
“money” in verses 9,11, and 13 uses the name of a god who deified money called “mammon.”
Q4. What are the two problems of Pharisees? (14-15, 16-18)
ANS: Self-righteousness
Distorting the Word of God: He who seeks the glory of men distorts the Word of God for his glory.
Q5. Why do you think the rich man has ended up with Sheol (here, we could understand this term as hell)? (25, 31, Lev 25:35-36)
ANS: He didn’t care of Nazarus in front of his door and enjoyed wealth himself alone, nor did he listen to Moses and the prophets, just like his brothers. According to the Old Testament law, he had to help the poor.
CH 17: Characters of Faith & the Day of God’s Kingdom
Q1. These are the three teachings that Jesus’ followers must remember. Fill the blanks
We must pay attention to the spiritual growth of ( ) and especially help them not to fall into sin and temptations (v1-4).
Even if it is ( ) faith, God’s power is infinite, so nothing will be impossible if there is faith (v5-6)
The beginning of faith is to recognize you are ( ) and to take on the Lord’s work faithfully (v ).
Q2. On the way up to ( ), Jesus healed ten lepers. Ten were healed, but only one returned ( ) and thanked Jesus. He was a ( ). Jesus said to him that ( ). This shows how the kingdom of God came to that one leper. But ( ) is asking Jesus when the kingdom of God would come. (vv11-21)
ANS: The kingdom of God has come upon the Samaritan, but the Pharisee doesn’t know it.
Q3. Jesus’ return will be so clear and sudden. Summarize his message regarding the last day.
ANS: (vv22-24): His return will be so clear to everyone
(v25): Hardships will come first
(vv26-29): His coming will be so sudden while they live daily lives.
(vv30-33): Do not put your heart on the world, nor turn back. You might lose your life.
(v34-37): Though that day will come suddenly, those on alert will know it’s coming by its signs.
Q4. Chapter 17 explains the characteristics of faith in some ways. For the following statements, please find corresponding verses.
Faith is being considerate of others and forgives them without limit. ( verses ~ )
Faith starts without being noticed in our hearts ( )
Faith is confirmed by appreciation/praise to God ( )
Faith, no matter how small it is, has infinite power ( )
Faith says, “I am not deserving any praise.” ( )
ANS: Faith is being considerate of others and forgives them without limit. (v1-4)
Faith starts without being noticed in our hearts ( 21 )
Faith is confirmed by appreciation/praise to God ( 16-17 )
Faith, no matter how small it is, has infinite power ( 6 )
Faith says, “I am not deserving any praise.” ( 10 )
CH 18: Acts of Faith
Q1. By comparing God to the unjust judge, we can see how well God listens to our prayers. What are the two reasons? (Compare God’s character to the judge’s character and God’s relationship with us to the judge’s relationship with the widow.)
Q2. What kind of faith do you think ‘belief’ in verse 8 refers to?
Q3. Compare Pharisee’s prayer with the tax colletor’s prayer. Why did God call the tax collector righteous?
Q4. What does it mean to receive the kingdom of God like a child?
Q5. A rich official came to Jesus and asked him “what to do” to gain eternal life. What are the four answers of Jesus, then?
Q6. What attitude do you need in following Jesus? (v29)
Q7. What behavior of the blind man would reflect his faith?
CH 19: Zacchaeus, Minas Parable
Q1. What is the reaction of the people to Jesus visiting the house of Zacchaeus? What is Jesus’ answer to that?
Q2. As Jesus approached Jerusalem, people thought that ( ) would soon appear. The disciples must have expected to rule with the Lord as He would become king. At that moment, Jesus said that it would take time for Jesus to bring his kingship and that his servants would be given the power to rule as many ( ) as they have earned from the Minas given to them.
Q3. What did the servant who brought one Mina do wrong? (vv21-23)
Q4. In the Minas Parable, the nobleman refers to Jesus. Then who are the people? What did they do?
Q5. “Well done, ( ) slave! Because you have been faithful in ( ), you will have authority over ( )” “Everyone who has will be ( ), but from the one who does not have, even what he has will be ( ).”
ANS: Q6. What was their praise when Jesus entered Jerusalem?
Q7. Jesus predicted the fall of Jerusalem. What is the reason for the fall? (vv41-44)
Q8. Why did Jesus clean the temple?
CH 20: The Judgment of the religious leaders
Q1. When Jesus cleansed the temple, religious leaders came and asked what authority he had. Jesus’ answer has this meaning. “If you had known where John the Baptist’s authority came from, you would have known where my authority came from. You knew the authority of John the Baptist, but you didn’t admit it.” Why did religious leaders say they didn’t know where John’s authority came from?
Q2. Why did the vineyard farmers kill the owner’s son?
Q3. In that parable, farmers refer to religious leaders. What is the reaction when they hear this analogy?
Q4. “The stone ( ) rejected has become ( ).”
Q5. Religious leaders asked Jesus if it was proper to pay Caesar’s taxes. Look at the words that they falsely praise Jesus (v ). Jesus replied, “Give to ( ) the things that are ( ), and to ( ) the things that are ( ).” Jesus’ answer means this. “What is more important than paying taxes to Caesar is to give God what belongs to God.” They induced Jesus’ mistake, but Jesus revealed their sin. What is it?
Q6. The Sadducees denied the resurrection because it would conflict with the Levirate marriage law (marriage with the dead brother’s wife). What was Jesus’ answer to this? (two, vv34-36, 37-38)
Q7. Why do you think Jesus said verses 41-44 after the debate about the resurrection with the Sadducees?
Q8. Why would the teachers of the law be judged more severely? (vv46-47)
CH 21: Fall of Jerusalem and the End of the Age
Q1. By what principle did the poor widow donate more than everyone else?
Q2. What did Jesus say when his disciples bragged about the Temple of Jerusalem’s beauty and offerings?
Q3. When the disciples asked about the signs of the end days, Jesus told them what would happen and wanted them to focus on the ministry of Jesus’ witness. The following texts are Jesus’ words regarding the last day. Summarize it.
(vv10-18) Believers will be persecuted amid war, earthquakes, famine, plague, and great confusion. But don’t ( ) how to deal with such situations, only focusing on the ministry to be ( ) of the Lord. The Lord will guide and protect you in times.
(vv25-28) When signs appear in nature, and people fear, ( ).
(vv4-36) Be ready to stand before ( ) who is coming in the future.
Q4. Why are Christians persecuted? (12,13,17)
Q5. Verses 5:20-24 refer to the fall of Jerusalem. Until when will the Gentiles trample on Jerusalem? (See Romans 11:25 for the meaning of this passage.)
Q6. As we live in the last days, we should always be careful not to let our minds become spiritually dull and depressed. The three things that dull our minds are ( ), ( ), and ( ). And to get away from these things, you should ( )
CH 22: Passover. The Lord’s Kingdom. Betrayal and Denial
Q1. How did Judas, the disciple of Jesus, come to betray Jesus?
Q2. How did Jesus’ disciples prepare the Passover dinner?
Q3. What are three things Jesus said to his disciples at the Passover dinner? (v15, 16, 19–20)
Q4. In the final sermon (21-38) that followed the Passover dinner, we can find the Lord’s teaching about the Lord’s kingdom to fix their misunderstanding. Also, we expect persecution from the world when proclaiming the kingdom of the Lord. ( ) betrays Jesus because it was not the kingdom that he had expected. ( ) was confident that he could follow the Lord by his power. But later he ( ) Jesus. As they realized the Lord’s kingdom drew near, their interest was who would be ( ) in the kingdom. Jesus gave them an important message about the kingdom at such a moment. Generally, those who sit and eat at the table are greater than those who serve. However, his disciples should not do this because ( ) is among them as a ( ). Through this ministry of the Lord, the lie of the kings of the world, who suppress their own people and are called benefactors at the same time, will be revealed. Those who share in the Lord’s ministry will eat and drink together in ( ). Satan tried to topple Peter, but he would regain faith through ( ). Joining the Lord’s ministry demands your sacrifice because the world treated the Lord as ( ). Therefore, we must be prepared for such persecution.
Q5. What does it mean for the Lord to be among us (v.27) as a servant? (v19-20)
Q6. (v.39-46) Whose will is it that Jesus was crucified? Tell the verse that supports your answer
Q7. What verses in vv. 47-53 show Judah’s hypocrisy? What verses imply that those who came to catch Jesus are doing something wrong?
Q8. In what moment did Peter remember what the Lord had said about his denial?
Q9. By what words of Jesus did they condemn Him?
CH 23: Crucifixion. Known to Few
Pilate’s proclamation of Jesus’ innocence made it clear that Jesus was qualified as a sin offering. However, the authorities of the world and the crowd rejected him, wanted Barabbas, the robber, and revealed themselves to be sinners. ‘The things that make for peace’ were hidden from Jerusalem (19:42). They didn’t know the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice to liberate them from sin and reconcile them to God, and they were ignorant of the impending judgment. Only a few started to glimpse the secret of the cross.
Q1. In Luke 22:70-71, religious leaders condemned Jesus for blasphemy, but in front of Pilate, Chapter 23, they sued him for other reasons. What are they?
Q2. ( ) was the governor of the Palestinian region and used to stay in Caesarea. But he came to ( ) during the Jewish feast Passover for the sake of policing. The tetrarch of the area of Galilee, ( ), was also staying in Jerusalem. The two didn’t get along well but agreed in mocking Jesus (v ). The power of the world, the Gentiles, and the Israelites gather to face God’s Christ, and this is the achievement of Psalms 2:1-2 (Acts 4:25-28).
Q3. (Verse 13-25) Pilate declared Jesus innocent and tried to let him go (v ). He tried to release Jesus ( ) times, but at the persistent demands of the crowd, he released ( ) and handed over Jesus to be crucified.
Q4. Many people cried when Jesus carried the cross. When Jesus saw them, he said, “Daughters of ( ), do not cry for me, but for you and your children.” What is the reason? (vv 29-30, 31)
Q5. Jesus said, “Father, forgive their sins. They don’t know what they’re doing.” According to their taunt to Jesus in v35-37, what was their misunderstanding about how the Messiah would save His people?
Q6. What words of the robber showed his faith?
Q7. When Jesus was crucified, ( ) lost its light, and darkness came to the land from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. And ( ) was torn in two, which meant the way to God was opened by His death. By dying on the cross as He was bearing his people’s sins, all subsequent things (God’s approval of the plea of forgiveness and resurrection) would be in God’s hands.
Q8. It was a gentile ( ) who recognized Jesus as righteous, and some women from ( ) saw the scene of Jesus’ crucifixion from afar. And ( ), a Jewish council member who was waiting for ( ) to bury Jesus.
CH 24: Resurrection and Commission
Jesus shows up to his disciples who don’t believe, strengthens their faith, unravels the words of the Messiah prophecy, and gives them the mission of the witness.
Q1. What did the two men in glorious clothes say to the women who visited the tomb?
Q2. What was the disciples’ reaction when they heard the women who went to the grave? (Two)
Q3. What made the two disciples who were going down to Emmaus feel hopeless? (Hint: What they expected from Jesus: verses 19-21, what was reported to them: verses 22-24)
Q4. Why didn’t they believe the report of the women? (v 25)
Q5. When did they recognize Jesus? And what did they do?
Q6. What is the purpose of Jesus’ appearance to his disciples? (Two, 37-43, 48-49)
Q7. Jesus explained that the Bible had prophesized the Messiah’s suffering and glorification (v46-47). Two things have already been done, and the other is going on. What is the other one?