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The Gospel of Mark

The questions are based on the NET Bible.

Answers are not posted

CH 1: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus

Q1. According to v2-3, what is the task of John?


Q2. What was John’s message? (two, v4, v7-8)


Q3. What is the voice from heaven when Jesus came up from water?


Q4. Compare John’s message and Jesus’ message (v15). What is common and what is different?


Q5. What was Jesus’ promise when He called Peter (Simon) and Andrew?


Q6. What did the author say when they started to follow Jesus? (v18, 20)


Q7. Summarize the changes that happened when the gospel started.


Q8. Why did Jesus ask demons not to speak who Jesus was? (v25, v34, v43, v45) Click to see the answer

ANS: Jesus didn’t want people to focus on healing rather than the gospel.

Q9. What is the purpose of Jesus’ coming to the earth? (v38)


CH 2: Authority of Jesus and new teaching

Q1. Why did they lower the paralytic from the roof?


Q2. Why did Jesus say to the paralytic, “your sins are forgiven”? (v10)


Q3. What is the purpose of Jesus’ coming? (v17)


Q4. New wine should be stored in new wineskins. If the new wine refers to Jesus’ teaching, what would the old wineskins refer to, in the story of v23-28? Click to see the answer

ANS: The law of Sabbath (v24) The law of the sacred bread (v26)

Q5. The Sabbath was made for ( ).


Q6. “The Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” What does it mean? Click to see the answer

ANS: Jesus has authority to redefine/reinstitute the law of Sabbath.

CH 3: Frictions for the new teaching

Q1. According to v4 and v6, what is Pharisees’ sin?


Q2. What are three things to be required from Jesus’ disciples? (v14-15)


Q3. When Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demon by saying it was the power of Beelzebul, what was Jesus’ answer? (three points from v24-26, v27, v28-29) Click to see the answer

ANS: Satan is not stupid that he casts out his subjects (v24-26). Because Satan is already captured, Jesus could save people from demons (v27). Casting out demons is the work of the Holy Spirit (v28-29).

Q4. Whoever does the ( ) is my brother and sister and mother.


CH 4: The Parables of the Kingdom of God

Q1. What is the reason to say in parables? (v11-12, v34)


Q2. What kinds of field are these? ‘They grow but don’t bear fruit because of worries of this world’ ( ). ‘They fall away when trouble or persecution comes because of the word’ ( )


Q3. When the storm comes to our life, how would a man of little faith respond? (v38-40)


CH 5: More faith and greater healing

Q1. What was the demon’s request when Jesus came to the region?


Q2. What was their response when they heard about Jesus’ miraculous healing?


Q3. What is the father’s name whose daughter was sick?


Q4. What did Jesus say to the father when his daughter’s death was reported?


Q5. What did Jesus say to the daughter? What is its meaning?


Q6. Share your insight or meditation from this chapter


CH 6: Rejections and Miracles

Q1. Why was Jesus rejected from His hometown? (v3) Click to see the answer

ANS: Their superficial knowledge about Jesus blinded them not to see Messiah Jesus.

Q2. How was John the Baptizer beheaded?


Q3. Jesus fed ( ) men with ( ) fish and ( ) loaves of bread. They all ate satisfied and gathered ( ) baskets of crumbs.


Q4. Why did Jesus send them off to the other side of the lake?


Q5. When they were terrified at Jesus on the water, what did Jesus say?


CH 7: Jewish Tradition vs Faith of Gentile Woman.

Q1. Why did Jesus say Pharisees hypocrites? (v6-7)


Q2. Where does it come that contaminates us?


Q3. What was the Syrophoenician woman’s faith? Click to see the answer

ANS: She thought that only crumbs of Jesus’ power and grace is enough to heal her daughter.

Q4. What did Jesus say when he healed the deaf mute? And its meaning?


Q5. Share your insight or meditation from this chapter


CH 8: Feeding 4000 and Peter’s confession

Q1. With how many loaves of bread did Jesus feed 4000?


Q2. What would be the yeast of the Pharisees that Jesus warned at v15? (hint: v11-12) Click to see the answer

ANS: They saw many miracles of Jesus that showed who Jesus was. However, they didn’t want to believe Jesus and didn’t accept Jesus’ teaching. They kept asking more signs and evidences. Jesus called such an attitude the yeast of the Pharisees.

Q3. What was Peter’s response when Jesus told them about his death?


Q4. What do you think why Jesus foretold his death and resurrection right after Peter’s confession? Click to see the answer

ANS: They had expected the Messiah would restore the nation Israel from Roman empire. However, Jesus came to save them from the dominion of sin and death. Though Peter confessed “Jesus is the Messiah” but his expectation from Jesus was wrong. Jesus wanted to clarify the role of the Messiah.

Q5. What are two requirements to follow Jesus, i.e. to be a Christian? (v34)


CH 9: The Transfiguration and “who is the greatest”

Q1. What happened on the mountain? Summarize v2-8 in three sentences.


Q2. Jesus asked them not to tell anyone about what they saw. Until when?


Q3. The father didn’t truly believe Jesus would heal his son (v22). What made him to think that way? (v18)


Q4. Why were the disciples not able to heal the boy? (v28-29)


Q5. Who is the greatest? (v35)


Q6. To His disciples who wanted to be great, Jesus gave three messages. For each message, please find corresponding verses.

Serve little one even though you couldn’t expect anything from him, because Jesus commands it. (v )

2. Serve those who are in Christ, for they bear Jesus’ name and represent Jesus. (v )

3. Be careful not to cause one of weak faith to stumble. (v )


CH 10: More teachings

Q1. Is divorce a part of God’s plan? What verse says about it?


Q2. Why did Moses allow them divorce?


Q3. What do you think why Jesus said to the rich man that “No one is good except God alone?” Click to see the answer

ANS: This rich man thought he was a good man. Jesus wanted to say no one is righteous before God.

Q4. What is the reward for those who left everything and followed Jesus?


Q5. What is the request of John and James?


Q6. Why were they angry when they heard about John and James? Click to see the answer

ANS: They also wanted highest places.

Q7. Mark 10:45 is the key verse of whole book of Mark. Memorize it.


CH 11: Entry to Jerusalem and withered Fig tree

Q1. Cursing of the fig tree and cleansing the temple show Jesus’ judgment on their hypocritic religious life. They are like fig tree that had leaves but no fruit. They had superficial religious rituals but no faith in them. “My house will be called a house of ( ) for all nations. But you have turned it into a ( ).”


Q2. What are two requirements in our prayers? (v24-25)


Q3. Why did they answer this way, “we don’t know” at v33?


CH 12: Frictions to the gospel

Q1. From the parable of the tenants, who is the owner of vineyard? Who are the tenants, slaves of the owner, and the son?


Q2. “the stone ( ) rejected has become ( ).”


Q3. When they asked Jesus if they needed to pay tax to Caesar, what was Jesus’ answer?


Q4. What are the greatest commandments?


Q5. What is the problem with the experts’ in the law (v38-40)?


CH 13: Apocalypse

Q1. What are tree signs when the end of the age begins? (v6-8)


Q2. Verse 9 says, “you must watch our for yourselves.” Why do we need to watch out? (hint: read v9-13) Click to see the answer

ANS: We need to endure the persecution (v13). If we know that difficulties and trials are waiting for us in our life, we would focus how to be faithful rather than how to escape from the trials.

Q3. What will happen right before Jesus returns? (v14, v22)


Q4. What is the reason that we should be stay alert?


CH 14: Anointing, Prayer, and Arrest

Q1. When a woman poured oil on Jesus’ head, some said it wasting of money. How did Jesus interpret her action?


Q2. When did Jesus foretell about a disciple’s betrayal?


Q3. When Jesus foretold about Peter’s denial, what was Peter’s response?


Q4. How many times did Jesus pray in the garden of Gethsemane?


Q5. “Abba, Father, ( ) are possible for you. Take this cup away from ( ). Yet not what I will, but what ( ) will.”


Q6. What was the reason that Jesus was condemned? (v61-64)


Q7. When did Peter remember that Jesus said about his denial?


CH 15: Crucifixion

Q1. What is Pilate’s question to Jesus?


Q2. Pilate had wanted to release Jesus, but he handed Jesus over to be crucified. What made Pilate to do so?


Q3. How did soldiers mock Jesus? (v16-20)


Q4. How many hours was Jesus on the cross?


Q5. What happened when Jesus was dying? (v33, 38)


Q6. What did Jesus say on the cross?


Q7. Who buried Jesus?


CH 16: Resurrection

Q1. Who came to the tomb early morning?


Q2. According to the word of the young man (v6-7), where can they see Jesus?


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